say what you will but i like it when Teemu enters the picture, i don't believe in the things that he believes in but i do read his stuff, it's fascinating.
To all you conspiracy theorists out there please keep writing you give me hours of entertainment.
because its not always the truth
I actually read all of his ^^^^ and watch most of his videos.![]()
1) They give people's lives meaning.
2) They make them feel important. Like a street preacher or a TV Saleman
3) It makes life seem more exciting when it plays out like a badly written pulp fiction.
4) Its stimulating to believe you have a grasp on a very important piece of knowledge that other people aren't privy to. Like a social club.
![]()'s good stuff. Badmoon we are going to have to have a drink at Comic Con and talk of conspiracies.![]()
In addition to all the reasons cited here, some conspiracy theories are actually later proven to be true (for example Iran Contra). This probably gives cover to the more bizarre scenarios ... which in turn unfortunately help obscure real conspiracies.
As long as the chem trails don't rot my brain out while I'm on the plane.![]()
Reading the MJ thread really made me think - why do people take such stock in these crazy things? Keeping an open mind and questioning commonly accepted theories/historical events/etc is one thing, to a certain point of course... I just don't understand the irrationality behind some of this stuff, like accepting, at face value, some Youtube video about Michael Jackson's battle against the forces of the Illuminati, to name a recent example.
What's the attraction there? Are people just bored with regular life? Is that it?