Why believe conspiracy theories?

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Skepticism is healthy, but beliefs and inferences should always be based on the available, empirical evidence.

Having said that, I think Pixletwin is largely right, particularly with #4. Though this applies to more than just conspiracy nuts. . .
say what you will but i like it when Teemu enters the picture, i don't believe in the things that he believes in but i do read his stuff, it's fascinating.

To all you conspiracy theorists out there please keep writing you give me hours of entertainment.

I actually read all of his ^^^^ and watch most of his videos. :eek::lol
1) They give people's lives meaning.
2) They make them feel important. Like a street preacher or a TV Saleman
3) It makes life seem more exciting when it plays out like a badly written pulp fiction.
4) Its stimulating to believe you have a grasp on a very important piece of knowledge that other people aren't privy to. Like a social club.


lol You're awesome bro! Besides your love for crappy movies and shows, you are the man!
In addition to all the reasons cited here, some conspiracy theories are actually later proven to be true (for example Iran Contra). This probably gives cover to the more bizarre scenarios ... which in turn unfortunately help obscure real conspiracies.
In addition to all the reasons cited here, some conspiracy theories are actually later proven to be true (for example Iran Contra). This probably gives cover to the more bizarre scenarios ... which in turn unfortunately help obscure real conspiracies.

I solved that riddle and got myself 99 lives just by pressing up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, B, A, select, start really really fast on my controller.
Reading the MJ thread really made me think - why do people take such stock in these crazy things? Keeping an open mind and questioning commonly accepted theories/historical events/etc is one thing, to a certain point of course... I just don't understand the irrationality behind some of this stuff, like accepting, at face value, some Youtube video about Michael Jackson's battle against the forces of the Illuminati, to name a recent example.

What's the attraction there? Are people just bored with regular life? Is that it?

Someone is conspiring behind YOUR back right now.

I do realize there are some nuts out there but that doesn't change the fact that there are secrets everywhere, under every nook and cranny, in every faucet of the world. There's NO denying it.

Your boss may say he's not going to let you go because he likes you, but then you where let go the following week, is this really the truth? Your best friend says he's your homie but you catch him flirting with you girl friend all the time and you see how she looks at him... Your co-workers are overwhelmingly nice to you but then you here rumours, ridiculously trivial things being said about yourself. You hear from your boss that someone snitched on you about stealing time, when infact it was a simple error, turns out it was one of you best work partners that told on you. You would have never thought these "people would do such things in secret behind your back. They did.

People are conspiring every minute and every second of the day. Conspiracy is happening at the higher levels of society as well as the lower. This means your government is just as capable, infact, WAY MORE capable of consriracy than your work place or family setting. They are doing it on a scale that you couldn'y possibly imagine. Governments and Corporations all around the world are doing outraegous and harmful things to us. They do not hold us in there best interest, at all.

Now I will end this with a famous quote...

"They are the gate keepers. They are gaurding all the doors, they are holding all the keys..."
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