My wife asked me this last night and I tried to convince her that one or more Queen Amidalas *would* be coming from SS.
But really, a lot of us can afford SS products because of the second income from our wives. I think it'd be nice if they threw our gracious better halves a "girly" figure once in a while. Which for SW really means cranking out some Padmes. Especially those Queen outfits which have an almost China doll appearance.
I'd guess most women didn't latch on to the original OT as little girls like we all did as boys. Then they marry us and are introduced to the movies and get to jump on board with the prequels, which means connecting with Natalie Portman moreso than Carrie Fisher.
My wife agreed to allocate funds to seven Premium format figures: ANH Leia, Dagobah Luke/Yoda, Boba Fett, R2/3PO two-pack, ROTS Anakin, TPM or AOTC Padme, and TPM or ROTS Obi-Wan. But she's really looking forward to the Padme figure (I'm hoping its arena Padme as it would look cool posing her in a white outfit and holding a Battle Droid blaster next to Leia in a white outfit holdiing a Stormtrooper blaster) but she's hoping it'll be a more "girly" Amidala. I just hope she comes out sooner rather than later.
Anyone else have a wife/fiance/girlfriend who wishes that SS would make figures that cater a little more towards them?
But really, a lot of us can afford SS products because of the second income from our wives. I think it'd be nice if they threw our gracious better halves a "girly" figure once in a while. Which for SW really means cranking out some Padmes. Especially those Queen outfits which have an almost China doll appearance.
I'd guess most women didn't latch on to the original OT as little girls like we all did as boys. Then they marry us and are introduced to the movies and get to jump on board with the prequels, which means connecting with Natalie Portman moreso than Carrie Fisher.
My wife agreed to allocate funds to seven Premium format figures: ANH Leia, Dagobah Luke/Yoda, Boba Fett, R2/3PO two-pack, ROTS Anakin, TPM or AOTC Padme, and TPM or ROTS Obi-Wan. But she's really looking forward to the Padme figure (I'm hoping its arena Padme as it would look cool posing her in a white outfit and holding a Battle Droid blaster next to Leia in a white outfit holdiing a Stormtrooper blaster) but she's hoping it'll be a more "girly" Amidala. I just hope she comes out sooner rather than later.
Anyone else have a wife/fiance/girlfriend who wishes that SS would make figures that cater a little more towards them?