Super Freak
What colour is the boat house at Hereford?

What colour is the boat house at Hereford?
Well glad you can admit that you're a fanboy too at least. Of course if you compare any of the Pred movies done to the first one they will never stand up to it. But like I said earlier, this is all works of fiction. Not necessary to prove your balls to something that will never happen. If you're 29 maybe you should act more like it instead of a 9 years trying so hard to wave his pistol around. People are ganging up on you because you're trying too hard. I say chill bro. Once again this is a collectibles forum. We're all fanboys on equal ground. We all buy the same stuff and are into a hobby most of the world probably won't understand. If anything we should all have more of an understanding of eachother. But here you are trying to take on the world. And you wonder why people are just trying to rip you up.
Yes they might be trying but they are failing, I know who I am and who I'm not, that's why basement dwellers have zero effect on me.
All I did was voice my opinion on the Predators and then the creatures came out of the woodwork to defend their beloved.
I love Predators too, that's why I'm here, as I've said before, I'm voicing my frustrations on how some Predators have been a let down and no amount of basement dwellers will change my mind on that point.
I'm not trying hard at all, I don't want this nonsense, I want to talk to intelligent people who have thoughtful and constructive views, not people who are completely blinded by their Predator love that they won't hear a bad thing said about them.
I wondered when you would Google it
I am 29 now and yes, you can see some proof if you like, I am who I say I am dude and have what I need to back it up.
I have nothing to hide, I'm upfront and honest and say what I think.
Aah but this itself is enough evidence that you aren't SAS. Do you know why SOFs don't -no, NEVER - divulge their identities? Even the retired ones? Especially those recently retired? And you're WILLING to divulge identity and proof of service to complete strangers? Especially just so you can say that you can kick the butt of characters in a movie? Oh man, you won't last 5 minutes on a REAL SOF operation.![]()
I never said I'd divulge my identity did I? I said I'd prove I was in.
I don't think you'd last 5 minutes out of Moms Basement though.
It's clear intelligence isn't one of your strong points either now run along child, you bore me.
i'm no longer excited about ht predators , so many things went wrong with berserker, i'm kinda sick of them now.and very disappointed.
Really? What's the proof that Falconer should've easily won? Just because he looks mean? Ah, you truly have so much to learn. Have you met any aikijujutsu or aikido masters? I do. They look timid and not imposing. But if you pick a fight with them, I'm sure they'll hand over your arse and your dignity. Hmm, so you know for a fact that Hanzo would be the one dead instead of the other Preds? Hmm, how many Predators do you personally know?
Really? Because I know I LOT more military people that don't even get cocky like you do. It's also funny because many of the SOF people I know (locally) don't even want to acknowledge that they're special forces, especially in a public forum. Way to go, Captain Britain! Look, just because you finished Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, it doesn't make you a SOF.
Wanna bet on that? How much? For a SOF, you sure aren't aware of simple intelligence-gathering. Which is quite odd since SOF forces usually employ even the most basic intelligence gathering on anything. No, you can't find all the answers in your CoD MW2 manual![]()
Yeh and does he use his shoulder cannon or wristblades even once??