First off, while I'd love a good Alien Queen (and it would probably cost at least $250-$300 to get -- which I'd probably pay), it's never going to happen.
For one thing, the size. And for another thing (and this surprisingly hasn't been mentioned yet)... HT isn't that great at making Aliens. Can you imagine a giant two-and-a-half foot figure encased in rubber? There are so many places for quality control errors that even if it does look awesome, the final product would either be extremely brittle or you'd risk having a decomposing heap within a matter of years.
Do I want a 1/6 HT Alien Queen? Only if they do it right. So far, I enjoy their newer Alien offerings, as they have shown a lot of growth. But expecting them to maintain that improved quality on the biggest piece they've ever done is a little scary. Like I said, it'll probably never happen for a variety of reasons.