I don't think it's that straightforward when it comes to a piece of this price. Availability means that even if you really want something, so long as it's still there you could afford to drag your feet for as long as it's there; you only kick yourself when its gone (and if you dont at that point, then whether you liked it at all in the first place becomes questionable, I think).
When CM released Predator I loved it, but it was available: play.com, forbidden planet, ebay (UK), may even in LCS... Then it sold out everywhere and I couldn't find one. Took me a couple years to find a piece that was in the condition I needed it to be, and for me to have the funds to get it. Once that happened, I got one.
If the CM Predator were still in stock today I probably still won't have one... That doesn't mean I don't like the piece---
I am here: