Re: Hot Toys developing 1/6 Alien Queen!
Hi Mudshark. I started out with a 1/6 scale child Anakin Skywalker figure from Kenner/Hasbro from the first Star Wars movie, The Phantom Menace. Here's a picture of it in its original box.
I got it pretty cheap on eBay a few months ago. It was still unopened since when it came out in the summer of 1999. I then had to find the most elusive or "hard-to-find" part of Newt's oufit...the overalls. These overalls had to be in the 1/6 scale and even in a 1/6 scale child size! Oh boy, was that a fun hunt for those! I ended up going with the overalls from a "John Deere Barbie" 1/6 figure. I got the entire outfit loose on eBay for a good cheap price too.
I painted over the light brown shirt and the big "clunky" goofy-looking Anakin boots with some washes of gray and black acrylic paints. I had to make Newt's hair using some Super Sculpey molding clay, and bake it on to the head. I then painted the hair in many layers of browns, blacks, yellows, and a touch of red and brown. I knew I didn't want her hair to look perfectly clean blonde...because she wasn't! She was very filthy! Sure, "real" rooted hair like the one Les Walker has would have looked much better, but I just don't have the skills to do that right now or the access to that hair. My little girl would be very upset if I'd cut off the hair on one of her Barbies!
Here's a picture of Newt with the unpainted light brown Anakin boots...'s a picture of Newt with the repainted dirty boots in washes of gray and black acrylic paints...
After painting the boots, and cutting holes in the knees of the overalls and fraying the ends of the pants legs...I made the overalls look dirty and worn out by painting various shades of grays, browns, and blacks, and some touches of lighter brown and red.
I am using an extra Hot Toys ALIENS Drake figure stand for my Newt, and I'll be putting her name on it soon by way of help from Les Walker who told me that he just used his computer and typed white text over a black background in the size to fit on the nameplate on the stand. I also want to add a little "dry brushing" of gray on her face to make her look a little more dirty. I've already dry brushed some gray on her knees and the tops of her hands.
Yeah, I'm sure that many ALIENS fans on this board will want to make a Newt, if they aren't already working on it now. I'm very happy with mine, and proud to finally have a Newt of my own! I plan on using Hicks' helmet from that cheap Kay-Bee exclusive "ALIENS vs Cpl. Hicks" 12" figure set I got from Kay-Bee about 10 years ago now. It really sucked, but the helmet will work good to go on Newt's head. Les used it for his Newt, and it gives the figure that great final touch to make Newt look even more like she is in the movie.