Wolf Predator Legendary Scale Figure

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Cinemaquette & SS Predator r awesome but cant afford them at flipper price n to take that much risk...... instead of that better to get Wolf Predator at retail

me either,
but i still doubt for buying LSF wolf because of it's scale :gah:
me either,
but i still doubt for buying LSF wolf because of it's scale :gah:

I allready paid for it ........so its confirm purchase ..... i hope its 1/3 scale & top notch paint joB .... I liked the display options coming with Wolf LSF
I allready paid for it ........so its confirm purchase ..... i hope its 1/3 scale & top notch paint joB .... I liked the display options coming with Wolf LSF

i wait until it's released,
see what the true scale is..
if it's 1/3 i will buy it on ready stock :pray:
would love to have a lsf in my collection but at the sise and shipping cost and risk invloved , im not ready to invest so much on one piece, i dread to think the nightmare if damaged, maybe if they allowed me to pay after i get the item in hand and safe and perfect i would maybe buy one lol
would love to have a lsf in my collection but at the sise and shipping cost and risk invloved , im not ready to invest so much on one piece, i dread to think the nightmare if damaged, maybe if they allowed me to pay after i get the item in hand and safe and perfect i would maybe buy one lol

the only fear that i have is ...

No, nothing yet.
Once this thing gets into someone's hands, I hope they can confirm for us.

I'll be sure to post here when I find out. I know you're waiting on that.

i hope the price is not increase a lot when they're ready stock :pray:
Anyone think this will this come down in price if they fail to sell good numbers?

I don't think so.
These are made to order.
I think if anything, when orders stop coming in, they may stop production all together.

It's an open ES, yes, but they won't be making it forever.