It's a buy for me on video for sure. Just as good as SM3 IMO. And better than all the rest (have not seen the Punishers) But then again i didn't think SM3 was totally awful either. (disappointing a little but not terrible) And X3 while my least fave of the series i enjoyed as well.
Sounds like a good observation..
I know that i'm in the minorty when I say that I actually enjoyed Punisher:Warzone alot for it being over the top and fun to watch.
Should the Punisher character deserve the same kind of story treatment as Dark Knight or Iron Man regardless of attached budget or filmakers, sure...
Does it mean PWZ can't be appreciated for what it was....of course not.
I didn't walk into PWZ expecting Dark Knight or Iron Man but there are different definitions of what is considered to be a "Good" movie. A good movie can be good for many different reasons.
I firmly believe that PWZ can be enjoyed and appreciated just as much as TDK or IM.
Maybe Monday night i'm in the mood for TDK and Tuesday night it's PWZ and Wednesday night is Wolverine Origins.
We all have different level of appreciation and enjoyment.
Now, would most consider TDK to be the better movie over PWZ, YES...look at the box office and reviews BUT most here already are aware that there are also many good movies which failed at the box office YET Norbit made a ton of money...LOL
Yes Box Office is critcal if you want to see a continuation of your favorite characters but I can still enjoy PWZ even with its massive failure at the BO.
Ain't it great not being a drone and actually having individual tastes and then coming on here and sharing them.