This is the harshest review I have ever given. I'm not trying to be an ass, I avoided as much as I could because I heard alot of negative, and this morning I woke up early and went and saw it. I was excited and optimistic but not expecting the next great X-Men. I needed some time to let it sink in but here it goes.
2.5 / 10
What a mess. Shoot me in the head please, I want to forget.
Who is responsible for this? They need to lose their job(s) IMMEDIATELY. These people made Fantastic Four look like 2001: A Space Odyssey, and Tim Story look like Martin Luther King. Not only would I have rather watched Hugh Jackman dressed as a Nazi, and throwing copies of X-Men into a blazing inferno for two hours, but I suspect it would have been better written and had better character development.
What source material were these people looking at?
Listen very, VERY carefully. YOU CANNOT throw out everything and anything related that has already been established in THREE (3) Movies, and then still referance those films as the future of your own timeline.
The only thing I could even begin to liken this abomination to, is imagine your watching the Dark Knight, were going along smoothly an hour in, then all the sudden, Arnold as Mr. Freeze were to show up and say he had some unfinished buisness with Christain Bale's Batman. But wait thats not retarded enough yet. Christain Bale would have to take his mask off, then be like, "Hey man, wrong movie, we rebooted the franchise" and Arnold would be like "I dun care, youaneye ar guna hav it out" and Christain Bale just turned and looked at the camera and went "^^^^ it" and then fought him anyway. THAT is how utterly retarded this, 2 hours of wasted film reel was. I will not refer to this as a movie. It was wasted film.
This is, and I ^^^^ you not, the FIRST time EVER, I asked for my money back. Ever. I go to the movies like 3 times a week. The woman who knows me was dumbfounded. She had to get her manager and I got 2 free tickets next time I go. I'm greatful for that, but it doesn't make anything right.
I'll wait to get into exactly what my problems were specificly until tonight or tommorow when more people have seen it. But I think it should be rather obvious, its mostly the same stuff I've gone back and read here.
Btw I didn't even stick around for the after the credits stuff, nobody did.
One last thing I'll say, is I feel really bad for Hugh, who I genuinely believed had the best intentions, but w/e tryed cramming all these other characters in should suffer the same fate as Ryan Reynolds.
Don't hold your breath for Gambit or Deadpool.