my guess is 500...i do not think they will go higher than that..
I would say around that ball park is safe for them and probably 750 for the reg...
but yet again I don't care about ES
i care for my bf!
body fat ski!!
Oh ok, any other day I would of known what you meant if were at a bodybuilding forum...
yeah,but the most of the es is 1500 i cannot be sold out in 2 minutes with 2000 edition size...
Oh, you mean the exclusive. It better not be over 750. Even that's too much in my opinion.
Oh, you mean the exclusive. It better not be over 750. Even that's too much in my opinion.
don't forget this guy's ES of 875. he's done quite well with almost 1000 ES.
though Cap is near perfect and even though wolfy may have some issues, all be it minor.
wolverine is by far a more popular character, i could see an ES of 1000
Has Sideshow said if they are going to do away with the seams on the front of Wolverines pants?