I'm sure people are gonna cancel orders or skimp on the gold armor exclusive to the new movie now, seeing as it was complete garbage. Big ouch. Scared for Rogue Squadron now lol
I liked the movie. It was amazing but it was fun. I wish it had more Cheetah though. Hoping we get a figure of her... I like this figure though.
I'm sure people are gonna cancel orders or skimp on the gold armor exclusive to the new movie now, seeing as it was complete garbage. Big ouch. Scared for Rogue Squadron now lol
I still think they must?ve left some vital scenes out. In following how Barbara was portrayed in the film from beginning to end to the theme of what she was experiencing..that whole Cheetah transformation made absolutely no sense whatsoever
I hope we aren?t looking at another Snyder JL botched script![]()
Really??? You're the first person, I have encountered, who feels that way. All the comments I seen or heard about the film are positive. I was hyped for the film before, but after reading the posts here before yours, I'm even more hyped. One person even stated that DC redeemed itself with WW84, and it's better than a lot of the Marvel films. From all the comments, the director and screenwriters etc. should make the next Superman film. I wish I could see it on the big screen but doesn't look like that will happen.
Yeah I just watched it and thought it was great. A bit cheesy at times and didn't have the traditional kind of supervillain we're used to with these movies, but it still worked on its own terms and was fun and engaging throughout.
This film was crap.
A plot that centered around magic wishes.
What the ***** kinda Hanna Barbera, Saturday morning Super-friends horse***** was that?
Overall it did feel like a movie made for 9 year olds, which to be honest might be somewhat the case. The CGI felt cheap in some spots, the cheese factor was off the charts.
There will be people here who will like this movie regardless of what is actually contained in the movie. But this movie is baffling to me in a bad way. Even some scenes that start out well turn into eye roll moments by the end.
I think this explains what they were going for better than most articles. I thought it was ok but it felt like it could have been shorter and i would have liked more action scenes. Pascal did an amazing job.
Watched the first WW right beforehand. Couldn't believe what a fall had occurred between that film and WW84.
Pondering whether or not this is a case of a director having a massive hit, followed by a studio acquiescing to whatever said director wanted on the second picture.
Wiig- who's a fine comedic actress- is woefully miscast here. Her "serious" dialogue- particularly during those overly CGI wrought action sequences- was delivered with all the dramatic aplomb of a recently medicated nursing home resident. Gadot - let's face it not exactly the best actress- seemed directionless here as well. Half the time she seemed to be reading off cue cards or listening to her lines read to her over an earpiece before reciting them blandly to a fellow actor.
Well this was clearly meant to have a very different tone than the first movie, and be a throwback to the more innocent and uncynical 80's style of superhero movie, so I assumed people were already aware of that.
I do agree the magic wish idea was cheesy, but I still thought they made it work pretty well and upped the stakes enough with all the unintended chaos it created. And they rationalized it just enough with the stone being a creation of the gods, with a similar power as her lasso of truth. And to be honest most of WW's world is pretty cheesy like that (Invisible Plane? Island of Amazon Women? Bracelets of Submission??), so I thought it fit well enough.