It might not have been that long, but felt like it. That movie was your Rogue One for the year it came out![]()
Cap TFA was huge for me (no not RO huge but it was still a really big deal.) I mean I still love the movie today but not only has Cap always been my favorite superhero but I was almost resigned to the fact that I'd never see a decent portrayal in live-action. Now we have an entire trilogy that is so good it is only beneath the likes of SW OT, LOTR, and TDK trilogy. Amazing turnaround there. I do seem to remember you being put off by some of the dodgy CGI but that's all that really comes to mind.

The main debates I remember taking part in were when I thought that TDKR was being nitpicked to death, the latter two Hobbit films, and TFA (Force Awakens that is.) Oh and I think I was in the minority in defending Prometheus as well.
Even though I still believe that TDKR got a bum rap one of the single funniest posts I've ever read on this site and that I still chuckle about occasionally to this day was one that DiFabio made when he was roasting the movie. He said something to the effect of "the entirety of Batman's detective work in the film was when Alfred simply walked over to the computer and googled the word 'Bane.'" Lol, it's funny because it was pretty much true.
Second place comedy goes to your MOS reviews. I swear I should have stickied those things.