If non hairy armpits were offensive to people..m. imagine the triggering that this would create... it would burn peoples heads off
If she can kick and jump yards at a time, she'd have a spanking great ass. Its physics!
All positive reviews I've seen on YouTube so far.. I guess directing does make a difference. Reviewers are saying this is the best DCCU by far, not that there really is that many to choose from but still
Maybe the secret is have a female director for DC films![]()
Kind of poetic that it took a woman to fix this universe...
Snyder's toxic testosterone fueled masculinity was too strong
Kind of poetic that it took a woman to fix this universe...
Snyder's toxic testosterone fueled masculinity was too strong
The director of WW is telling people she hasn't even seen the final film until now lol
That's the case with the actors but the director!
I think the movie was taken away from her.
Then who edited the movie? If she hasn't seen any of it, she wasn't sitting in the editing room
I wasnt even trying to be mean. It took a womans touch after 3 failed attemps to get this franchise rolling in the right direction.
I guess i wasnt trying to take a jab at snyder alone because suicide squad sucked too, but these movies were handled like wrestling matches by the men at Warner. Goyer is at fault as well.
Then you have this very talented woman that singlehandedly turned the wheels around and gave us the first positive and successful DC movie...
Kinda sad that hollywood doesnt give women more chances. Kinda sad that studios dont have as much faith in women to do well.
Looking forward to see this movie bigtime. But the director should be judged on her talent, not her private parts. the whole girls rule, boys drool thing is stale and boring.
Not to mention that Snyder worked up a lot for this film. Including 3 potential scripts, which they used 1. A lot of the choice was Snyder doing, and Patty followed his lead. I think Snyder has done an amazing job; and I respect Ayer for his go at SS. Suicide Squad definitely had plenty of flaws, but you have to realize that was all on WB. Fact that Ayer made a (weak) but functional story in 6 weeks, is respectable. But people need to realize that Ayer is also all character, and you could see it in each of his films, and that's why it did well in the box office.
What I'm saying is, let Johns do his work as well as let the directors do their jobs, and WB needs to stop meddling. Quick starts at cinematic universe fail. Look at ASM, look at X-Men.
I respect women in the industry, and despite radical feminist, I do believe women can do a good job, but to solely say one outdid the other because of style is idiotic. Style is subjective to personality and not gender, just getting bored with all these women acting like they finally got represented. If they took the time to see films, they'd realize they have been well represented for decades.