Wonder Woman - June 2, 2017

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Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Their alternate ending will have him leaping out of the Lava, adamantium skeleton only, and killing her while she's resting.

They should've had him stick his thumb out of the lava lol.

Nah, wrong movie. He should have shouted, "ADDDRRRIIIAAANNNNN" or my personal favorite "NOTHING IS OVER. NOTHING!"
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

47% of people think Wolvie should have won :lol

Still, how can WW kill him if it's a battle to the death?
Yeah it's a popularity contest at the end.

She doesn't need to kill him, but she's smart, the only reason Wolverine lasts with the Hulk is because Hulk is pure anger. Also, I doubt Wolvierine's claws would do anything to WW or that he has the strength to penetrate her skin with them.

WW isn't all warrior though, but if she must kill she will, so as soon as she'd found out that Wolverine can't die, she'd cut off his head and dropkick it the **** out :lol Wolverine wouldn't even see where it came from.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Back in the 80's Wolverine stated he was vulnerable to drowning/suffocation. Of course I wouldn't know if some writer made him immune to that since then.

He is pretty much immortal now days. He can even regenerate from only being a skeleton.

Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Yeah it's a popularity contest at the end.

She doesn't need to kill him, but she's smart, the only reason Wolverine lasts with the Hulk is because Hulk is pure anger. Also, I doubt Wolvierine's claws would do anything to WW or that he has the strength to penetrate her skin with them.

WW isn't all warrior though, but if she must kill she will, so as soon as she'd found out that Wolverine can't die, she'd cut off his head and dropkick it the **** out :lol Wolverine wouldn't even see where it came from.

She's not invulnerable like Sups, that's why she has the bracelets. She heels quick though.

How does she cut his head off ? I don't think she has the strength or a weapon that can cut Wolvie's skeleton.

Maybe she can take him to space? I'm not sure she can go up there though.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

She's not invulnerable like Sups, that's why she has the bracelets. She heels quick though.

How does she cut his head off ? I don't think she has the strength or a weapon that can cut Wolvie's skeleton.

Maybe she can take him to space? I'm not sure she can go up there though.

She's not as invulnerable as Supes, but make no mistake, she's still in the heavy hitter tier, and she doesn't need the bracelets for protection, not from bullets and such.

If her sword can cut Supes, it should go through adamantium like butter, and yes, she has strength to spare to do whatever he wants with Wolvie.

She might even kill him by snu snu.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Well, the human body is connected with ligaments, muscles, and tendons; it is physically possible to separate his head. His bones are the only thing that are covered by the adamantium, not his muscular system.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

She's not as invulnerable as Supes, but make no mistake, she's still in the heavy hitter tier, and she doesn't need the bracelets for protection, not from bullets and such.

If her sword can cut Supes, it should go through adamantium like butter, and yes, she has strength to spare to do whatever he wants with Wolvie.

She might even kill him by snu snu.

> She's not always bulletproof

> Adamantium >>>> bullets

> Sups vulnerable to magical items

> He fails to prove how WW can kill Wolvie

> Makes snu snu joke as a distraction

> Funny joke

Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

> Adamantium >>>> bullets

> Sups vulnerable to magical items

> He fails to prove how WW can kill Wolvie

> Makes snu snu joke as a distraction

> Funny joke


Yeah adamantium is harder than bullets, but Wolverine doesn't have the strength to put more force on his claws than the force of a bullet, which don't even tickle WW.
I don't remember ever being pointed out that she can cut Supes because of magic, but remember, Supes is vulnerable to magic, not weak to it, if it cuts Supes it would cut anything else too.
But I said WW doesn't need to kill him, she only needs to cut his head and drop kick it far away, done, nothing else needs to be done, plus WW is an excelent fighter, she's waaaaaay out of Wolvie's league, not to mention the immense strength and speed gaps, Wolverine shouldn't even be able to keep up with her.

How weak do you think WW is? WW vs Wolverine is, what do they call it? A spite match? Meaning only someone who hates Wolverine would put him against WW.

Wolverine/Batman? Sure... Wolverine/WW though?
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Yeah adamantium is harder than bullets, but Wolverine doesn't have the strength to put more force on his claws than the force of a bullet, which don't even tickle WW.
I don't remember ever being pointed out that she can cut Supes because of magic, but remember, Supes is vulnerable to magic, not weak to it, if it cuts Supes it would cut anything else too.
But I said WW doesn't need to kill him, she only needs to cut his head and drop kick it far away, done, nothing else needs to be done, plus WW is an excelent fighter, she's waaaaaay out of Wolvie's league, not to mention the immense strength and speed gaps, Wolverine shouldn't even be able to keep up with her.

How weak do you think WW is? WW vs Wolverine is, what do they call it? A spite match? Meaning only someone who hates Wolverine would put him against WW.

Wolverine/Batman? Sure... Wolverine/WW though?

I agree that she would win 10/10 times in a fight, but I don't think she can actually kill him. But in order for her to cut the head off, the blade must cut the ademantium, and I don't know that it can to be honest.

As far as her invulnerability, that's very inconsistent both in the pre 52 comics and in the "new" 52.

pre 52


new 52


but then she can also handle a hydrogen bomb :lol :dunno

Spoiler Spoiler:
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I agree that she would win 10/10 times in a fight, but I don't think she can actually kill him. But in order for her to cut the head off, the blade must cut the ademantium.
I don't think anyone can kill Wolverine, save for a reality warper. And her sword should easily cut through Adamantium, but like Captain says, it doesn't need to, it just needs to go through the joints, in this case, the vertebrae.
As far as her invulnerability, that's very inconsistent both in the pre 52 comics and in the "new" 52.

pre 52

Oh ok. Pretty sure that's a low end PIS thing though, cause I've seen her do much better. Haven't read that though.

That's Hades though, that's not a regular desert eagle, she shrugs off bullets, even missles in n52.

Plus her bracelets aren't for protection in n52, they hold her power down, she goes super sayan without them.

If it's a spite match of Wolverine vs Classic WW, I wouldn't even imagine what she could do to the poor thing in n52.

but then she can also handle a hydrogen bomb :lol :dunno

Spoiler Spoiler:
And in n52 Supes has to shelter her from one....

I'm not super well versed in WW, I've only read popular runs, but, usually one needs to look harder for inconsistencies within the same universe :lol
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Hold on, according to DC

She has considerable resistance to human weaponries, though this is not absolute; she has a particular vulnerability to advanced bladed weapons, such as swords and spears, and projectiles, such as bullets and arrows. Bullets can cause minor to moderate injury, but not life threatening. Also, her ability to heal rapidly, makes up for this set back.

She can easily survive under extreme pressures, cold, and heat. Wonder Woman has been able to traverse space, undergo submergence into lava, and withstand a direct explosion from a nuclear warhead unharmed. Born of the clay of Themyscira, and given life and divine powers by the gods themselves, Diana has heightened resistance to magical attacks. She is highly experienced in battling foes who use sorcery as a weapon. As a divine creation herself, she is far-less susceptible to manipulation by magic and mental attack than many of her fellow heroes.

She can handle atomic bombs and lava, but a bullet can cause damage :lol

Still, Wolvie can cut her then.

As far as her weapons

Diana occasionally uses additional weaponry in formal battle, such as ceremonial golden armor complete with golden wings, war-skirt and chest-plate, and a golden helmet in the shape of an Eagle's head. Her deadliest piece of battle-gear is a magically forged sword (again a gift from Hephaestus)

Magical sword, hence why it can cut Sups, because he's not invulnerable to it, just normal vulnerability. That means the sword cutting Sups skin is in no way an indication that it can cut through ademantium.