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Ppl don't get that physically fit women lose a lot of that "pretty girl" baby fat. Also there is increased testosterone.

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon

Yeah I know what you mean. A porn star goes to my gym, and man she lost a lot of her vibe. But she can probably kick my ass. :lol

I always did like a definitive jaw, so I really like this Wonder Woman. She's has a great symmetry of fit and gorgeous (IMO).
Yeah I know what you mean. A porn star goes to my gym, and man she lost a lot of her vibe. But she can probably kick my ass. :lol

I always did like a definitive jaw, so I really like this Wonder Woman. She's has a great symmetry of fit and gorgeous (IMO).
No ****ing way, which one? And dude did you send me a PM? It said my mailbox was full so I cleaned it up a day ago

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Reminds me of my early years when a beautiful brunette female coworker and I were in Ft Worth and this woman walked by dressed to the 9's in 6 inch heels... blonde... long flowing hair...buxom... dress fit perfectly.

I said... Wow she must be a Cowboys Cheerleader.

My coworker said... She has hideous ankles.

lol, nice :rotfl
So Batman, Superman and.... who's the other guy?

I kid, I kid! Not a big fan of the face but the statue looks phenominal otherwise.

If someone that looks like that came up to me and offered to take me to dinner, whether it's taco or sausage, I ain't sayin' no.
Funny thing is that my 4 year old niece saw this and she asked if I was buying it. I told her I was and I asked why. She said because wonder woman looks beautiful and like a princess. I laughed because she didn't know she was a princess, the statement was because she liked her hair. :lol

My point? Kids don't have filters so if she said it looks like a man; it looks like a man. :lol

No ****ing way, which one? And dude did you send me a PM? It said my mailbox was full so I cleaned it up a day ago

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
I'll hit you up and let you know. But yeah I did, forgot about it. Sorry. :lol
I think she looks much pessimism in this hobby these days. Gets exhausting reading it.
It cracks me up because I can probably go throught these pages and find an equal number of people tht favor this sculpt. Looks nothing like a man. In hand will also prove that.
I think she looks much pessimism in this hobby these days. Gets exhausting reading it.

Its so funny you say that. I subscribe to SF as well and after reading (and admitttingly partaking) all the complaints, critiquing and skepticism etc... I later sit back and admire my Bestas with no complaints. When your away from the boards hype and not comparing statue to statue and all up on it with a microscope, they are a thing of art. :lecture
Its so funny you say that. I subscribe to SF as well and after reading (and admitttingly partaking) all the complaints, critiquing and skepticism etc... I later sit back and admire my Bestas with no complaints. When your away from the boards hype and not comparing statue to statue and all up on it with a microscope, they are a thing of art. :lecture
That's what I've learned to do. Just gotta step back and admire, rather than pick apart. Sure, major flaws can and should be noticed, but some things you've just gotta shake off. Frankly, I think she looks fantastic. Don't see a man in her face at all.
If Wonder Woman looks like a dude, guess I'm bisexual. :dunno


If someone that looks like that came up to me and offered to take me to dinner, whether it's taco or sausage, I ain't sayin' no.

I'd be wary if they offered you a "sausage". :monkey3 :wink1:

Funny thing is that my 4 year old niece saw this and she asked if I was buying it. I told her I was and I asked why. She said because wonder woman looks beautiful and like a princess. I laughed because she didn't know she was a princess, the statement was because she liked her hair. :lol

My point? Kids don't have filters so if she said it looks like a man; it looks like a man. :lol

Damn straight they don't! :lol

I think she looks much pessimism in this hobby these days. Gets exhausting reading it.

Agreed. It's sad really but some people thrive on negativity.

Its so funny you say that. I subscribe to SF as well and after reading (and admitttingly partaking) all the complaints, critiquing and skepticism etc... I later sit back and admire my Bestas with no complaints. When your away from the boards hype and not comparing statue to statue and all up on it with a microscope, they are a thing of art. :lecture

Agreed! :goodpost:
This needs to go to the best paint factory they use.

Totally man. And Stig and Jpuli, while i agree with you guys completely, I think a lot of factors have me much more pessimistic these days. Used to be we buy a statue for $300, it showed up with relatively low issues and really nice paint jobs along with very nice EX addons and somewhat low ES numbers. Now, we pay $400 and it's a complete toss up if we get what we originally paid for. I still love SSC and will continue to order but I have become WAY more selective about what EXs I PO and I PO a lot less if I see potential QC disasters. I hate that it's come to this but SSC has sort of brought this on themselves. At the same time, I try to justify any negative comments I make and not just flame...though that still happens from time to time:lol With that being said, I can't wait to get WW so they better not EFF HER UP!!!!
Totally man. And Stig and Jpuli, while i agree with you guys completely, I think a lot of factors have me much more pessimistic these days. Used to be we buy a statue for $300, it showed up with relatively low issues and really nice paint jobs along with very nice EX addons and somewhat low ES numbers. Now, we pay $400 and it's a complete toss up if we get what we originally paid for. I still love SSC and will continue to order but I have become WAY more selective about what EXs I PO and I PO a lot less if I see potential QC disasters. I hate that it's come to this but SSC has sort of brought this on themselves. At the same time, I try to justify any negative comments I make and not just flame...though that still happens from time to time:lol With that being said, I can't wait to get WW so they better not EFF HER UP!!!!

Maybe Ive just been lucky with the PF's I have in hand, but I don't disagree that there are issues abroad. I just think some of it gets blown out of proportion.
I don't mean to try to bring anyone down by critiquing the headsculpt. Is it my ideal headsculpt? Probably not. It's still a great looking statue though. My only hesitation with purchasing it is that I don't really have anywhere I can put it at the moment with it being as tall and as wide as it is. I jumped on the waitlist for the EX a while back. I figured, if it converts, that ultimately I would let that decide if I purchase it or not.

Again, wasn't trying to be disparaging, so I hope no one was offended. :wink1:
I don't mean to try to bring anyone down by critiquing the headsculpt. Is it my ideal headsculpt? Probably not. It's still a great looking statue though. My only hesitation with purchasing it is that I don't really have anywhere I can put it at the moment with it being as tall and as wide as it is. I jumped on the waitlist for the EX a while back. I figured, if it converts, that ultimately I would let that decide if I purchase it or not.

Again, wasn't trying to be disparaging, so I hope no one was offended. :wink1:

I was super offended. :lol

Jk :duff