Premium Format Wonder Woman Premium Format

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Funny thing is that my 4 year old niece saw this and she asked if I was buying it. I told her I was and I asked why. She said because wonder woman looks beautiful and like a princess. I laughed because she didn't know she was a princess, the statement was because she liked her hair. :lol

My point? Kids don't have filters so if she said it looks like a man; it looks like a man. :lol

I'll hit you up and let you know. But yeah I did, forgot about it. Sorry. :lol
Dude kids are the best. You can always count on them to be honest. Like you said, no filters lol I love that
Its so funny you say that. I subscribe to SF as well and after reading (and admitttingly partaking) all the complaints, critiquing and skepticism etc... I later sit back and admire my Bestas with no complaints. When your away from the boards hype and not comparing statue to statue and all up on it with a microscope, they are a thing of art. :lecture
Yeah man :hi5: i do the same **** bro. Like if you look hard enough at anything you're going to see a **** load of flaws in everything. Even the most "mint" piece will have something or other that different ppl might be bothered by.
She's going to be amazing, but I agree, they need to hit the eyes spot on. I think that is what makes her look so stunning!
Yeah man, she's going to be a ****ing stunner and haters can hate
I was super offended. :lol

Jk :duff
Super super offended! :duff

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Yeah man :hi5: i do the same **** bro. Like if you look hard enough at anything you're going to see a **** load of flaws in everything. Even the most "mint" piece will have something or other that different ppl might be bothered by.
Yeah man, she's going to be a ****ing stunner and haters can hate


And ainters can aint.

It's honestly easier for me when SS delays a product with no explanation rather than knowing that some of this months shipments are stuck at port and workers are refusing to unload them. That just makes me bristle. :mad:
Just got the official email, but unlike those who preordered Ivy or other items I didn't get the 400 rp credit.
Just received an email too. I'm full pay and was not offered any credit like I did for my Ivy PO. :/
I guess that 400 RP credit is for ALLLLL PO delays (if you received it)?
Got the e-mail and an 1000 reward points credit............... :wink1:.Just the e-mail part is true!