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I wonder what true direction collectors will take if this PF doesn't meet the expectations. I mean this PF more than any other since my time here has been the most anticipated.

Save up and buy from a better quality collectible company imo. I'd rather have two perfect statues than 4 flawed messes.
I'm not sure I agree with the mindset that a higher edition size means painters are going to get more sloppy. It isn't like those guys sit around all day waiting for a project to arrive, do it until it is finished, and then get a nice break. They're no doubt painting something all the time. Whether they're working on 4 projects on Tuesday with edition sizes of 250 each, or one project with an edition size of 1,000, the workload and output is the same. Certainly, some statues with huge edition sizes (such as Bats and Supes) have come out well, and some with lower edition sizes (like Hawkeye) have had their issues in my experience.
This all makes me worried about my purchase. Sideshow used to consistently produce high quality pieces. I have bought a number of things over the years with no QC issues, one of my favorite being the PF Speeder Bike piece. Seeing these kind of issues though and having a QC sticker on it. These blatantly obvious paint flaws should never have made it through QC. There needs to be 2 stages. They should have a QC person and a final QA person. Slap 2 people's names on it to trace back to so they can fire the particular people who weren't even looking when they gave it the OK.

This is a serious business and the problems are costing them a lot of money to fix for their customers. If they keep this up they are going to lose consumer confidence, money, and their establishment, becoming a middle man place to buy Hot Toys collectibles.
Had to cancel mine. Simply too much of a gamble here for a piece that I can hardly find room for, have to pay heavy customs for.

I hear ya. For me with the exchange rate and duty she would cost me $600. I just can't swallow that right now but look forward to the pics and I really hope people get some quality paint jobs 'cause so far she is concerning in QC.
I'm not sure I agree with the mindset that a higher edition size means painters are going to get more sloppy. It isn't like those guys sit around all day waiting for a project to arrive, do it until it is finished, and then get a nice break. They're no doubt painting something all the time. Whether they're working on 4 projects on Tuesday with edition sizes of 250 each, or one project with an edition size of 1,000, the workload and output is the same. Certainly, some statues with huge edition sizes (such as Bats and Supes) have come out well, and some with lower edition sizes (like Hawkeye) have had their issues in my experience.

Well, it depends. Even if they are always working on something, if they are told to do 900 XM pieces in x amount of time and then 2000 SSC pieces in half the time, obviously quality is going to drop. Of course, I have no idea what sort of deals are made so this is just a hypothetical but just saying that could be a reason for sloppier paintjobs on many SSC pieces. I think with Bats and Supes, the paint jobs are way easier than something like WW. I mean with supes, you paint the heads and then blanket paint hands, boots, bases with some minor shading. It's when items need much more intricate painting is when SSC's stuff really tends to suffer. Honestly the bad paint on the CW heads is the most unacceptable because she is mostly mixed media, like supes and bats.
Unless it's molded plastic, I find it hard to believe that the shield in the pics is a regular production piece. The paint on that thing is so precise, totally not unlike what I'm used to with Sideshow.
Well, it depends. Even if they are always working on something, if they are told to do 900 XM pieces in x amount of time and then 2000 SSC pieces in half the time, obviously quality is going to drop. Of course, I have no idea what sort of deals are made so this is just a hypothetical but just saying that could be a reason for sloppier paintjobs on many SSC pieces. I think with Bats and Supes, the paint jobs are way easier than something like WW. I mean with supes, you paint the heads and then blanket paint hands, boots, bases with some minor shading. It's when items need much more intricate painting is when SSC's stuff really tends to suffer. Honestly the bad paint on the CW heads is the most unacceptable because she is mostly mixed media, like supes and bats.

i highlighted the important part of your statement :wink1:
SS is being way too greedy with these idiotic ES's. 9500 LMAO. How can a factory paint with quality when having to paint such a ridiculously high number for a collectible. You're right, they do use the same factory as XM and XM looks flawless. Why? Their max ES is 999. Sideshow will eventually have to lower their ES to maintain QC. Not to how low they used to put ES but somewhere in the middle. QC is just waaaaay too hit and miss for such expensive collectibles from them these days. Green Ivy good, Catwoman and Sonja gamble with quality, WW gamble with quality.... pretty bad. :slap

Why in the world will SS have to lower their ES?? Particularly when customers continue to pre-order and purchase SS products?

Seriously...what is the incentive for SS to change their business practices?? Should they change because a few forum complain about some "isolated" QC issues?

I get your point...really I do. But ever wonder why ES continue to go up despite the fact that many regulars on this board have been critical of QC issues?

The reason is simple...despite all the complaining people still buy product from SS. The only way SS changes it's business practices is when everyone decides they are so fed up with QC issues they take their business elsewhere. Until that is simply wishful thinking that SS will lower ES or focus on QC.

Until then we all will continue to play "Russian Roulette" with our SS purchases and hope for the best.
Arriving tomorrow. After receieving my perfect Apocalypse, nothing can ruin my excitement