Super Freak
Oh man, you're missing out. The raids are some of the best parts of the game. G back at 90, and solo them. They rock.
Agreed! Raiding imo is the best part of WoW. Onyxia has to be one of my favorite fights in the game.
I like rading, but that's all most MMO's ever focus on now which pisses me off. I don't want to raid 24/7. I want a very immersive, engaging and realistic (for the genre) environment with so many interesting things to experience.
The BC raids were fantastic, though.
there is a random raid finder, much like random group finder now. sue that if you prefer to not have a guild.
Anyone here have a 90 dk? Loved soloing content back in Cata and was wondering if a 90 dk can solo more content.
This game is fail. It embodies what is wrong with WOW. ****ing Kungu Fu pandas in a LOTR fantasy world? It's real fantasy and an amazing immersive universe. Kungu Fu pandas are a joke and are for children. Blizzard has always been a company that panders to hardcore gamers. Sure other people can play too but would get their ass thoroughly thrashed countless times before they could beat someone experienced and good at WarCraft 3 aka ChunkyZergling (see that Tauren icon *****es. I earned that avatar in game and that's why I brought him with me. Whooped some ass in StarCraft too under the alias ChunkyZergling).
Anyway....as I am a recovery computer game addict I have heard that WOW is now for old people and children and ***** gamers. 10 million subs and 500,000 hardcore gamers or something. I heard that for each class now you only need to focus on one stat. Eg a Mage only needs to focus on intelligence and not the 10 other stats you needed to balance In the past as well. Suck my big fat **** blizzard.
I liked a lot of spirit though for my shadow priest. With that talent that **** was hot how fast I could regenerate mana
where to start.
where to start.
You lay into this expansion pretty roughly there, yet you keep saying
" I have Heard" which indicates that you've not played it yourself. So, for started, give it a shot, and see what you think after playing it. It's easily one of the BEST expansions to date, Steeped in TONS of lore, with an excellent pervasive story that runs throughout the 85-90 level grind.
Yup, Kung fu talking pandas sure are silly. they sure don't have any place in a game , especially one that contains Native american Talking Cows, and Thoroughly britsh werewolves
You only focus on a single stat? I'm not sure where you got that, but it;s incorrect.
YES, ever class has a "primary" stat. but that's nothing new, it's been that way since vanilla. There is a LITTLE more emphasis on your primary stat this time around, but if you ONLY focus on that one, you;re doing it wrong.
Lets look at a tanking paladin for example
There are two basic schools of thought when it comes to tanking with a paladin. the route you go effects your stat priority, which is also effected by the stat caps.
Control + Threat
Stamina > Melee Hit (7.5%) > Expertise (15%) > Mastery > Haste > Parry > Dodge
The Control + Threat priority maximizes your ability to respond to damage because your Holy Power generating abilities are guaranteed to land. This priority results in more overall damage taken then the Survivability strategy, but allows you to reliably smooth out that damage with a higher uptime of Shield of the Righteous. Also, this priority produces a high amount of threat since none of your major threat abilities can miss.
Stamina > Parry > Dodge > Mastery > Melee Hit (7.5%) > Haste > Expertise (7.5%)
The Survivability priority maximizes your ability to avoid and mitigate damage by increasing your Survivability stats above all else. This priority results in the least amount of overall damage taken, but can lead to more spike damage with a bad avoidance streak or delayed Shield of the Righteous. If you are very good at proactively using Shield of the Righteous, then Mastery moves ahead of Parry in the Survivability Priority.
What's this? in both cases, Stamina comes first? that's becuase it;s the primary stat for tanks.
Source : https://www.noxxic.com/wow/pve/paladin/protection/stat-priority
how about warlocks?
Intellect > Spell Hit (15%) = Haste (Breakpoint) > Mastery > Haste (Past Breakpoint)> Crit
i could give you more, but i don't feel like it right now.
I'm sorry f I come across as condescending, i've just grown very VERY tired of all the frothing at the mouth over "kung fu pandas" and the MASSIVE ammount of disinformation that's out there about the expansion from haters who've never even played it. And I hate even more that people are ( seemingly) getting taken in by it.
If you've got an account, let me toss you a scroll of reserection, and let you TRY it out. THEN if you hate it, you atleast hate it for valid reasons, not just because you Heard it was bad.