X-Box 360 or PS3? My 360 crashed and I gotta buy a new system

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Which system should I buy?

  • X-Box 360

    Votes: 43 46.2%
  • Playstation 3

    Votes: 50 53.8%

  • Total voters
go back with Xbox. l bought mine when they first came out. 1 year later it died. then bought the elite, and no problems. plus 360 still has better graphics. and remember everyone. ps3 online will not be free very much longer, so people who say go for ps3 it has free online, do not take that advise.
go back with Xbox. l bought mine when they first came out. 1 year later it died. then bought the elite, and no problems. plus 360 still has better graphics. and remember everyone. ps3 online will not be free very much longer, so people who say go for ps3 it has free online, do not take that advise.


Don't want to incite another flame war, but aren't console fanboys a bit cliche nowadays? And uninformed ones, at that.

Don't want to incite another flame war, but aren't console fanboys a bit cliche nowadays? And uninformed ones, at that.

well the graphics argument is shown to be true over and over again. though pc blows both out of the water. and the charging for online play, l read that in the newest XBOX magazine about all consoles doing this. in the future, how soon not sure, but l would not be surprised if they do.
well the graphics argument is shown to be true over and over again. though pc blows both out of the water. and the charging for online play, l read that in the newest XBOX magazine about all consoles doing this. in the future, how soon not sure, but l would not be surprised if they do.

Presenting a point by saying "the graphics argument is shown true over and over again" without actually providing examples is usually something most people can disregard. No, I don't think anyone worth listening to would conclude that one current-gen console (excluding Wii, of course) has better graphics than the other. At this point, I'd call it even and it's really up to how well a developer works on one platform or the other.

I do agree that one day, Sony will charge for online multiplayer access, but that day isn't today, it's not this year, it's not next year, and it might not be this console generation. If anything, Playstation Plus is the testing ground for that and I doubt that'll be very successful.
On graphics, it depends. But most games that are released on both consoles often look better on Xbox 360

Take Red Dead Redemption for example, it runs at a higher resolution with better framerate, with lower pop-in, better shadows, and higher amounts of foliage than the PS3 version. And there's lots of other games that are the same way. However, the PS3 is capable of great graphics, like Gran Turismo 5--that's running in 1080p while most games on both systems run at 720p, and it looks fantastic. But then they've also been working on it forever.
On graphics, it depends. But most games that are released on both consoles often look better on Xbox 360

Take Red Dead Redemption for example, it runs at a higher resolution with better framerate, with lower pop-in, better shadows, and higher amounts of foliage than the PS3 version. And there's lots of other games that are the same way. However, the PS3 is capable of great graphics, like Gran Turismo 5--that's running in 1080p while most games on both systems run at 720p, and it looks fantastic. But then they've also been working on it forever.

It used to be true that multi-platform games looked better on Xbox 360, but it isn't anymore. Why did people believe it to be true in the past? Because game developers chose to perform lead development on the 360, which was the lower powered console with a friendlier programming structure. Most developers were lazy in porting the PS3 version because development is more difficult on PS3. That's not true nowadays though. Burnout Paradise is a PS3-lead developed game, and it shows.

This is why I hate having the graphics arguement that errs on one side or the other. I'm strictly neutral. The responsibility is on the game company, and their efforts is what decides which platform gets the game with better graphics.

Read Dead Redemption is a winner for 360, no doubt, but then FFXIII is a winner for PS3. The graphics arguement is moot nowadays.

I also wanted to add that Uncharted 1 and 2 are two of my favorite games of all time and since you've had X-Box all this time, it might be nice for you to give the other system a chance and play some of the great games PS3 has to offer. I think you'll have a lot of fun playing Uncharted.

God of War is also awesome and you can download Resident Evil 1-3 on the Playstation store.

Add Metal Gear Solid 4 to that list :lecture!
The only big reason why I want to replace my 360 at the moment is Limbo, which is an XBLA exclusive for the moment.
Presenting a point by saying "the graphics argument is shown true over and over again" without actually providing examples is usually something most people can disregard. No, I don't think anyone worth listening to would conclude that one current-gen console (excluding Wii, of course) has better graphics than the other. At this point, I'd call it even and it's really up to how well a developer works on one platform or the other.

I do agree that one day, Sony will charge for online multiplayer access, but that day isn't today, it's not this year, it's not next year, and it might not be this console generation. If anything, Playstation Plus is the testing ground for that and I doubt that'll be very successful.

here some examples. fallout 3 l first played at my friends on ps3. the graphics were horrible. then my other friend says come over and play l was like no that game sucks, but went over and played it on 360 and was way better. same with RDR, and the new mafia 2 which is not released yet, the sneak peeks and the graphic compare videos show 360 to be much better. there are a bunch of others ass well. ps3 has more technology in it to produce better graphics then 360. but l dont think they have really come close to perfecting it yet.
I won't recommend one console over the other on the vague and inconclusive basis that one supposedly produces graphics that are marginally better than the other. The difference is not worth choosing one over the other, especially once you take a look at exclusve games like Kill Zone 2, Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, MGS4, etc etc.
I own both, and I highly prefer my PS3.

Uncharted, Heavy Rain, God of War, Killzone, ...

Blu-Ray, DVD, CD, free online which never fails me.

Had my PS3 since release, not one problem.
Had my X360 since release, had the first one repeared twice, then bought a new one which went bananas on me, then I bought my MW2 version which ran fine for a while but my Harddrive died for unknown reasons.
I won't recommend one console over the other on the vague and inconclusive basis that one supposedly produces graphics that are marginally better than the other. The difference is not worth choosing one over the other, especially once you take a look at exclusve games like Kill Zone 2, Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, MGS4, etc etc.

your right. each system has its own hits and misses. like 360 has gears. tho l will admit. the 360 is a machine you need to baby. make sure you dust it normally, dont really move it. unlike the ps3. you can drop that thing down the stars move it while it running and nothing will happen. my ps2 was the same thing dropped it down the stairs a few times. hell l even shot it with my pellet gun after l got my 360 and it was cracked in a few place and it still worked.:lol
I'm going through the same thing right now. If my sons didn't have so many xbox games, I wouldn't replace it. The only reason I bought it was for Gears, and after that I gave it to the boys. I would choose the PS3 hands down. Free online and, no offense to xbox users, it seems to be a different class of people online for Playstation. Less vulgarity and such. Although singing children on MW2 can be irritating until you can mute them!!
It's hard for me to put myself in your shoes since I own all 3 and love them each for what they are. But if you only own a 360 and have all the games it only makes since to buy the new 360 slim model. It would cost you more to sell all those games and re-buy a bunch and a PS3.

That said if you were tired of all those games and wanted to play all those PS3 exclusives, nows your chance.
I voted PS3 because its all I've tried and know :lol

Reason I bought it was to play Metal Gear Solid 4!!! Didn't need another reason! Ofcourse Blu-ray and free online gaming among other stuff was nice.
The launch 360's had a serious problem with the red ring of death, but they have since gone through two hardware two hardware revisions (three counting the new "slim" model) which makes the argument of them failing pretty moot now. The console has a new cpu, a new gpu, better heatsinks, and uses uses half the power that it used to.
Kibisii: I'd recommend trying to fix it before you buy anything else. If you don't want to try anything hard yourself, I wouldn't pay someone to fix it, just run it through the towel method. As long as you get it real toasty then let it cool down there's a high probability that it'll work again. Besides if you're just going to throw it out you have nothing to loose.

edit: Take your HDD off before you towel method it though.
I'm still amazed that DC Universe isn't coming to the 360. I own a PS3 and a Wii. I've been really tempted to get a 360, but never enough to take the plunge.

I can't honestly speak for or against the 360, but I've always been happy with my PS3. I say change it up and go with the PS3.

Then, we can team up with DC Universe comes out. :lol (I'm totally stoked about that title! :rock)
I don't have my Genesis anymore, but I still have both my SNES and PS1, which still work to this day.

Anyway, If you really want to replace your 360, at least wait a couple months until 360 Slim bundles start showing up for holiday season. Which is what I'm doing (my 360 died a month ago and I didn't want to buy another). My PS3 keeps me entertained when I find time to play games.
My PS1 still works; I only have one game for it (FF7), but it still works. I think my wife still has her SNES, but it is probably in a box in the garage.

After reading all of the comments, I will probably start shopping around for a PS3. Especially because I could then play Killzone and MTS. Do I need to get another hard drive like I did with the X-Box? Any advice is very welcome!

Then, we can team up with DC Universe comes out. :lol (I'm totally stoked about that title! :rock)
That sounds like a plan. I know BC is planning on playing as well.