X-Men: Apocalypse - May 27, 2016

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Is code for hooker


action model.
it'll be funny when all the naysayers eat their words opening night.

Im sold on the cos-play at least

We've had Ray Parks as Toad, and Alan Cummings as Nightcrawler

and everyone is up in arms about Munn as Psylocke?? really?

It could've been a lot worse... it seemed like in the past these films lacked a lot of hindsight in regards to casting. This is actually an improvement.
I don't think Munn is going to have that big of a role but she does look good. I'm not sure if this is the only cover of the magazine or one in a series, but it is surprising that they would put her on the cover as opposed to McAvoy or Lawrence. If she did get the cover her head has probably gotten so big it can barely fit through the door.
Very interesting back story of recent Horsemen



Honestly think Psylocke's back story will be similar to Rick Remenders take on Age of Apocalypse recruitment of the Horsemen,

It will be interesting to find out Storm, Angel, and Psylocke's backstories in the new Apocalypse movie.

I think Psylocke will be portrayed as a 'black sheep' discarded Geisha, that unlocks her mutant ability and seeks revenge for being ostracized in her community.


This is what sold me on Munn being Psylocke.

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no no sorry no offense

It was more of a jab at the director of X3 cause it seemed like he was high as a kite when he filmed that ****.

And to cast a completely unknown "model" for a pivotal role such as Psylocke, was a huge dis-service to the fanbase.
Point is

She looks like Psylocke.

She speaks Japanese

She is half anglo half asian

She can do cool sword tricks.


Lol everyone assumes this is a serious role?

Yeah because in X3 they cast Psylocke as a Filipino hooker with 2 lines

Im thrilled she has stage presence and is pretty, and has a sense of humor.

They cast mutes for Sabretooth and Toad in the past let alone that ****** anorexic Juggernaut
There you go, well put.

I don't know, she does it for me, so the nerd council can take a seat as far as I'm concerned. :lol
A tiny little Apocalypse and these last few pages are railing about Munn as Psylocke. :lol
Yup, both Psylocke and Storm look good. But Apoc is the real issue. He's a puny little purple man right out of Singer's wet dream. It ruined whatever excitement I had for this movie. Looks like it'll be another Singer 'X-Men' with focus on Wolverine and Magneto.:(