Sounds good. Give her a white dress with a little skull belt, and it would be perfect.
boo to more Mystique. She should've been Apocalypse's right hand. Hopefully she'll betray the X-Men.
I'd really love it if Fox did that.
On another note; While I enjoyed almost all the X films, I wasn't thrilled that Fox mixed all the characters up; Original X-Men (Angel, Cyclops, Beast, Iceman & Marvel Girl) with New X-Men (Storm, Wolverine, Banshee, Colossus, etc.).
That would have been AMAZING and far better than what we originally got.
I'm with you on that. All the films for the most part are jumbled up.
I just wish in one of these sequels we get the 90s team, it was always my favorite.
I was really hoping they would reboot the whole thing after Days of Future Past cause of the continuity, but they showed all the X Men at the end of the film in present day.
It's doubtful they will reboot now that they cast all the young versions of Cyclops, Jean and Storm.
But I am hoping they end the Singerverse with Apocalypse, make an X-Force and the Gambit film in the same universe as Deadpool, and than reboot the X-Men after using the 90s team.
More leg belts, pouches, and pointless leather jackets, please.
We only get it in pieces, never as a whole. One thing is for sure, if we get Rogue again in a sequel... they better make her the powerhouse she was in the comics... instead of the useless power suck machine.
Not sure if this was posted already.
Official synopsis
We only get it in pieces, never as a whole. One thing is for sure, if we get Rogue again in a sequel... they better make her the powerhouse she was in the comics... instead of the useless power suck machine.
What they did to Rogue was a total crime. The only way I want to see her again is if she's flying through walls and ripping apart sentinels.
I'm with everybody else who wants the comic style costumes. Even if it were just one stand alone movie that mimicked the cartoon, I would be happy.
An evil mutant who wants to wipe out all humans so mutants can reign supreme and only Mystique, Charles, and a handful of X-Men stand in the way? Sounds like an awesome new direction for this franchise.
That you Rob Liefeld?!?
An evil mutant who wants to wipe out all humans so mutants can reign supreme and only Mystique, Charles, and a handful of X-Men stand in the way? Sounds like an awesome new direction for this franchise.