X-Men: Apocalypse - May 27, 2016

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Reason why Days of Future Past was successful, it followed comic-lore somewhat
No, it was because it a well made movie.

Reason why Last Stand sucked, because they bastardized the Dark Phoenix saga in less than 20 minutes.
No, it was because it was a less than well made movie.

Critics and the general audience, which is what determines if a movie is a critical hit or not, do not give a **** about accuracy.

And all your credibility went out the window when you said Superman Returns was a good movie.
Well thank god I'm not a journalist.

Plus, you tried to downplay X1, so, our credibilities currently match. :lol

It really is a good movie though.

:lol why? If they loosely base **** on comics that's good, occasional fan service, also good, visual cues, great.

Why do you want to see the same stuff? Just read the comics.

Personally, there's not a single comicbook arc I want adapted 100% faithfully in the movies, I'd rather re-read those arcs, as long as they get the characterization somewhat close at home, and the story is good, I'm settled.
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:lol why? If they loosely base **** on comics that's good, occasional fan service, also good, visual cues, great.

Why do you want to see the same stuff? Just read the comics.

Personally, there's not a single comicbook arc I want adapted 100% faithfully in the movies, I'd rather re-read those arcs, as long as they get the characterization somewhat close at home, and the story is good, I'm settled.

Sin City worked. Besides, it's not like I've read every single book or story arc ever written. I would adapt All Star Superman with a different actor playing Superman, and the film would be directed by Robert Zemeckis. I would also adapt Alan Moore's Swamp Thing, starring Ron Perlman and Guillermo Del Toro would be the director. :D
Sin City worked. Besides, it's not like I've read every single book or story arc ever written. I would adapt All Star Superman with a different actor playing Superman, and the film would be directed by Robert Zemeckis. I would also adapt Alan Moore's Swamp Thing, starring Ron Perlman and Guillermo Del Toro would be the director. :D
I guess it would have to be a case by case thing, Sin City was pretty self contained and straight forward, with no extended ties to a 70+ years universe, as were 300 and Watchmen, yet none of those were 100% faithful, stuff was done worse or better, like the ending of WM was better in the movie imo.

I don't think All-Star would work or get made, too meta for today's audience, and that's entry level stuff, I doubt Swamp Thing would ever get a faithful adaptation, and if it was, I'm sure it wouldn't be better than the source, and if it's not gonna be better than the source, why bother adapting it by the letter? Just go on a different route.

But again, if I had the certainty the industry as it is cared about adapting stuff with respect and love, I'm not sure I'd still want specific arcs adapted, what for? Curiosity? Just to see them in live action? No thanks, my imagination is enough.
End Game would be a pretty good way to reboot the Joker if they ever decide to do that.

Any low-key crime thriller with a pinch of martial arts would be ok for a Batman movie for me.

They'll probably do stuff like Red Hood, since it's such a "fan" favorite.
Reason why Days of Future Past was successful, it followed comic-lore somewhat

Reason why Last Stand sucked, because they bastardized the Dark Phoenix saga in less than 20 minutes.

And all your credibility went out the window when you said Superman Returns was a good movie.

:goodpost: :exactly:
X-Men: Apocalypse – Storm’s New African Origin Details

X-Men Apocalypse: Evan Peters On Quicksilver’s Rise As An X-Man

Screen Rant: Bryan was telling us that this movie is, among other things, about the formation of the X-Men. Is Quicksilver a significant part of that?

Peters actually compared developing the new Quicksilver sequence to making a followup to a major blockbuster:

Screen Rant: We’re used to seeing Magneto as the man who will not be ruled, so it’s a little odd to see him serving a new master.

Where X-Men: Days of Future Past saw mutants exposed to the world, threatening and saving President Nixon, it seemed that the ten year jump to Apocalypse would result in more of the same. But that all changes when Apocalypse arrives on the scene, with little interest in the difference between mutant and human – only the strong over the weak, and order over chaos. Singer explains:

Singer dropped a major hint while we were on the Apocalypse set that, like in the X-Men comics, the powers of the film’s titular villain, En Sabah Nur a.k.a. Apocalypse (Oscar Isaac) may be linked to other-worldly sources – something that may explain the above imagery. Here’s how Singer described Apocalypse‘s depiction of the original mutant while we were on set:

Later in the interview, Singer discussed how the time-travel plot device in Days of Future Past allowed the X-Men franchise to reboot within its own continuity – taking a cue from the Marvel Comics source material, where time is just another commonly altered variable. It also shows that they can now take the X-Men anywhere, as Singer explained when talking about how he and his collaborators first decided on playing with time:

Having a partial break from the series with X-Men: First Class – a film Singer was initially attached to direct – helped him immensely Singer explains, and he could see that happening again so he can eventually tell a cosmic X-Men tale:

They may have become the most famous such fighters, but in the modern age, Apocalypse’s four minions are known by the names they’ve already chosen. And for fans of Marvel Comics, they’re not exactly supporting characters. But they aren’t just four random mutants; Bryan Singer explained that he and writer Simon Kinberg’s research into cults, like those which form around Apocalypse a.k.a. En Sabah Nur, provided the basis of the Four Horsemen:

It’s Ororo Munroe (Alexandra Shipp) who first meets Apocalypse when he wakes after millennia, and takes the first spot as his youthful, easily swayed apprentice. As much as Oscar Isaac may claim that the villain’s greatest power is his ability to turn others to his way of thinking, or turn them into pawns in his own plan, Shipp implies that when the two lost souls find one another, it isn’t evil that rears its head – at least not from Storm’s perspective:

Olivia Munn (The Newsroom) is tasked with bringing the heavily trained, psychic-blade-wielding killer Psylocke to life… with her barely-there costume fulfilling the “sexual” side of the cult, at least in sex appeal. But the actress pointed out that each of the Horseman is lost in some way, which is a fact that Apocalypse – like any other successful cult leader – is able to sense, and exploit to his own ends.

Of course, that doesn’t exactly mean that Psylocke is forced to do anything she doesn’t do willingly (unfortunately, the story of how she came to be recruited and re-costumed may not be given much screen time in the finished film). Munn explains:

As a figure capable of bringing together lost souls, Apocalypse doesn’t have much work to do with Erik Lensherr a.k.a. Magneto. Following his public defeat and humiliation in the final act of Days of Future Past, Erik has taken sanctuary in Europe, and begun to carve out a new life for himself. And for the time being, has been proven wrong: hate, fear, and intimidation may not be the most powerful of human (read: non-mutant) emotions. Until he once again loses everything.

At that point, all bets are off. And with nothing but anger to rely on – and a track record of faulty plans to unleash it on humanity – Apocalypse’s offered hand, and an invitation to his amplified Horsemen couldn’t come at a better point, says Fassbender

And finally, we arrive at one of the most memorable of Apocalypse’s Horsemen, in the comics at least: Warren Worthington III a.k.a. Angel (Ben Hardy). Although we didn’t get a chance to hear from Hardy about Angel’s motivations or reason for joining the villain, it’s easy enough to guess. The character’s wings were a minor plot point in X-Men: The Last Stand, with the boy having a difficult time coming to terms with his mutant appendages.

We did, however, get to observe a scene in which Apocalypse ‘recruits’ Warren to his Horsemen, molding his custom armor with waves of his hands, and of course, the telekinetic transformation of Archangel’s wings into metallic blades of death (potentially, anyway). Driving home the idea of both a cult and a family, Psylocke, Magneto and Storm are all present for the ceremony, as explained by Shipp:

There’s no doubt that Apocalypse has chosen four very powerful, and very different mutants for his latest incarnation of his Four Horseman. But they may not stay villains for long, as Shipp and Munn both alluded to the fact that their loyalty to Apocalypse was based on little other than manipulation and the absence of an actually strong role model in mutant-ing. Could their priorities or perspectives change once they actually meet the X-Men? We’ll just have to wait and see.

:goodpost: love the amount of depth and history they've built for Apocalypse

That might be longer than the average Motux post. :lol


I read like 80% of it :lol I skipped the old testament God stuff cause I had read it already. :goodpost:

Yeah everything sounds pretty good, can't wait to see Quick Silver again, and I'm thinking it was genius the way how they did a reboot on their own continuity, I hope they do that the same way on DC or MCU whenever it's needed.

And I would love to see a revised version of the Phoenix Saga, I'm glad they're aware of the Shi'ar empire and the Celestials in that story, the way they did it in X3 was a good low-key parallel, but now they can do it more faithfully.

Btw, what's the deal with Gladiator and those guys in terms of rights? Who owns them? Is it another case of Quick Silver and Scarlet Witch?

I'd LOVE to see the Shi'ar so I'm stoked it's on Bryan's radar. The Phoenix Saga was so watered down in X3 they could easily retell the story but have it hugely different and more in keeping with what happened in the comics.

I just hope this doesn't suck.

None of his X-movies have so its hugely unlikely it will
I read it all. Thanks for posting!

I'm really curious what Nightcrawler's take on all this will be given the subject matter. Magneto, Nightcrawler, and Quicksilver are the characters that I'm interested in. I like Cyclops, Jean, and Storm a lot, but I just rather see them as adults. They might be great though!

I read like 80% of it :lol I skipped the old testament God stuff cause I had read it already. :goodpost:

Yeah everything sounds pretty good, can't wait to see Quick Silver again, and I'm thinking it was genius the way how they did a reboot on their own continuity, I hope they do that the same way on DC or MCU whenever it's needed.

And I would love to see a revised version of the Phoenix Saga, I'm glad they're aware of the Shi'ar empire and the Celestials in that story, the way they did it in X3 was a good low-key parallel, but now they can do it more faithfully.

Btw, what's the deal with Gladiator and those guys in terms of rights? Who owns them? Is it another case of Quick Silver and Scarlet Witch?

Nice! Some members on this board without ADD :lol

I don't blame the actors, I blame the producers and directors that are equally clueless. Its their job to direct.

I'm sure Singer has learned his lessons from Superman Returns and the first XMEN film, if they had a true fan writing the scripts and directing ... we could potentially hope for a Lord of the Rings Peter Jackson type of re-imagining.

I just hope this doesn't suck.

Well Joss Whedon made those horrible Avengers films that people barely talk about anymore. x1, X2, DOFP and FC (Singer had a lot to do with developing this movie) are just better made films and thats because Singer is a far better director than Whedon can ever dream of being :lol

Oh, and I’m with Gasper, Superman Returns is a really good, well made movie, just because he doesn’t throw a punch doesn’t mean it sucks :lol
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If they followed the comics, we'd have to wait 50 years before we got to the Phoenix Saga! :lol X-Men was big on the soap opera, and I absolutely love it, but I think most fans would be very disappointed in seeing it translated directly on the big screen. It would be like translating a great episode of a long-running soap opera to a 2-hour movie. The episode was only great in the context, and it was meant for a 44 hour format. I guarantee fans would call it garbage.

I hold the X-Men very dear to me. They're the only comic book characters that I can really talk about with some competency. People ask me about Batman all the time, and I can never give them any answers outside the big story-lines. As a fan that has been reading them for so long, I'd never be satisfied with a direct adaptation because the comics are the X-Men to me, so I want to see a completely new take. All I ask is they're true to the characters and Cyclops optic blasts Mystique's head off as soon as the movie starts.
If they followed the comics, we'd have to wait 50 years before we got to the Phoenix Saga! :lol X-Men was big on the soap opera, and I absolutely love it, but I think most fans would be very disappointed in seeing it translated directly on the big screen. It would be like translating a great episode of a long-running soap opera to a 2-hour movie. The episode was only great in the context, and it was meant for a 44 hour format. I guarantee fans would call it garbage.

I hold the X-Men very dear to me. They're the only comic book characters that I can really talk about with some competency. People ask me about Batman all the time, and I can never give them any answers outside the big story-lines. As a fan that has been reading them for so long, I'd never be satisfied with a direct adaptation because the comics are the X-Men to me, so I want to see a completely new take. All I ask is they're true to the characters and Cyclops optic blasts Mystique's head off as soon as the movie starts.

:lol :lol :lol

I know you hate these X-Men movies with a passion Bane, hopefully you enjoy this one, but I can’t see Singer switching up his style enough to really change your mind.

Even though this is my favorite franchise out there, I do hope they stop focusing on Charles, Erik, and Raven so much, and start telling new stories with the core members, or even other characters that aren’t as popular in the X-Men. I just pray to god, that J-Law sticks to her word and leaves this series after this movie.
:lol :lol :lol

I know you hate these X-Men movies with a passion Bane, hopefully you enjoy this one, but I can’t see Singer switching up his style enough to really change your mind.

Even though this is my favorite franchise out there, I do hope they stop focusing on Charles, Erik, and Raven so much, and start telling new stories with the core members, or even other characters that aren’t as popular in the X-Men. I just pray to god, that J-Law sticks to her word and leaves this series after this movie.

I don't hate them. If I hated something I wouldn't bother to talk about them. The only things I hate is graphic violence, swearing, and sexual content, so I hate movies like Fifty Shades of Gray and Saw. If I ever say I hate something, there's probably just something that turned me off from something I really like, and I'm just venting. When I got to the end stuff with Quiet and Paz in MGSV, it creeped me the heck out, and I didn't want to have anything to do with MGS. I would have gone on a passionate tirade of how much I stupid I thought that game was too. However, I don't think that game is stupid; I just thought that certain parts were terrible.

I may not like certain things about the superhero movies, but I can think of things that I like in all of them, and I'm going to try my hardest to focus on those things and not devolve into hate-fueled comments (I know I'll fail though :lol). The only thing that I used to hate was Christopher Reeve Superman because I thought he was a total coward that had everything handed to him and didn't need to deal with any repercussions. I couldn't stand how the guy had everything, yet his villains just stood around and waited for him to help people, and then attacked him. On top of that, the shallow relationships with Lois, the B.S. powers, the ridiculous disguise, etc. Those movies bugged me because I would read fans saying that Superman is the embodiment of all that's good, and insinuated if you don't like him, you're either evil or unintelligent. That message offended me when I was a teenager! :lol

And now I was reminded of that, I strongly dislike Superman, and I cannot wait to see Batman punch him in the face in BvS.
I don't hate them. If I hated something I wouldn't bother to talk about them. The only things I hate is graphic violence, swearing, and sexual content, so I hate movies like Fifty Shades of Gray and Saw. If I ever say I hate something, there's probably just something that turned me off from something I really like, and I'm just venting. When I got to the end stuff with Quiet and Paz in MGSV, it creeped me the heck out, and I didn't want to have anything to do with MGS. I would have gone on a passionate tirade of how much I stupid I thought that game was too. However, I don't think that game is stupid; I just thought that certain parts were terrible.

I may not like certain things about the superhero movies, but I can think of things that I like in all of them, and I'm going to try my hardest to focus on those things and not devolve into hate-fueled comments (I know I'll fail though :lol). The only thing that I used to hate was Christopher Reeve Superman because I thought he was a total coward that had everything handed to him and didn't need to deal with any repercussions. I couldn't stand how the guy had everything, yet his villains just stood around and waited for him to help people, and then attacked him. On top of that, the shallow relationships with Lois, the B.S. powers, the ridiculous disguise, etc. Those movies bugged me because I would read fans saying that Superman is the embodiment of all that's good, and insinuated if you don't like him, you're either evil or unintelligent. That message offended me when I was a teenager! :lol

And now I was reminded of that, I strongly dislike Superman, and I cannot wait to see Batman punch him in the face in BvS.

I like the first Superman movie, and I like the Donner cut of the second movie, but you definitely have a point about those films. It’s why I like Superman Returns the most, because they showed a lot of the problems that Superman has to deal with because he’s an alien. Only thing I wish is that the kid wasn’t his. I get what Singer was doing, and trying to show the parallels between his upbringing and his son’s, but it would have been a lot more poignant if Superman returned and saw Lois move on with her life and have a family with someone else because he wasn’t be capable of giving her that, since he’s an alien and all.
I like the first Superman movie, and I like the Donner cut of the second movie, but you definitely have a point about those films. It’s why I like Superman Returns the most, because they showed a lot of the problems that Superman has to deal with because he’s an alien. Only thing I wish is that the kid wasn’t his. I get what Singer was doing, and trying to show the parallels between his upbringing and his son’s, but it would have been a lot more poignant if Superman returned and saw Lois move on with her life and have a family with someone else because he wasn’t be capable of giving her that, since he’s an alien and all.
I remember Superman Returns being the first Superman movie that I liked, but I just don't remember it. I only just started re-watching movies in the past couple years, so I can't jump on the hate wagon for that movie. I'll just be sure to ignore the son aspect because I think that would bug me, but the rest sounds interesting!

Conceptually, I think Superman is great! My issue with the time travel in Superman the Movie and Superman II is that they were so burned into my head at a young age so, unless I'm reading or watching something Superman related that I enjoy, I immediately bounce back to my feelings on the character because of those films. Sometimes when I write posts in an attempt to defend the character, I'm really just trying to convince myself to like him since he is the big iconic hero alongside Batman. Even though I watched the cartoons and movies of Batman first, the first Batman story that ever clicked with me was seeing him fight every villain in Gotham while suffering from an illness—saving everyone around him— and then get beaten to near death by Bane, and then building himself up from that. So no matter how many bad portrayals I see of Batman, I will always remember him as a very virtuous and vulnerable character. I saw a bunch of Superman cartoons growing up before the movies, but he was pretty one-dimensional, so it couldn't leave impression on me like STM and Superman II. Hey, at least they gave me a reaction!

In any case, I'm going to be open minded on this! I never finished reading the Apocalypse 90s stuff because it wasn't my thing, so I'm looking forward to the new take. I think it would be cool if they could hire Claremont and have him write an original X-Men story alongside Bryan Singer, but maybe that's not what fans want. I think there's just a wealth of stuff they could do with this universe. If they ever wanted to tap into a more family friendly zone, they could get a Nightcrawler movie out there and market the Bamfs like those yellow guys that I've seen everywhere (I think they're called minions, but I'm not sure). I'd see that, but Nightcrawler is my favorite X-Men member. :lol Come to think of it, Nightcrawler is probably my favorite superhero along with Batman and Daredevil. He just doesn't have arch-enemies like Batman and Daredevil, so I don't think to put him up there.

I'm excited again!
I remember Superman Returns being the first Superman movie that I liked, but I just don't remember it. I only just started re-watching movies in the past couple years, so I can't jump on the hate wagon for that movie. I'll just be sure to ignore the son aspect because I think that would bug me, but the rest sounds interesting!

Conceptually, I think Superman is great! My issue with the time travel in Superman the Movie and Superman II is that they were so burned into my head at a young age so, unless I'm reading or watching something Superman related that I enjoy, I immediately bounce back to my feelings on the character because of those films. Sometimes when I write posts in an attempt to defend the character, I'm really just trying to convince myself to like him since he is the big iconic hero alongside Batman. Even though I watched the cartoons and movies of Batman first, the first Batman story that ever clicked with me was seeing him fight every villain in Gotham while suffering from an illness—saving everyone around him— and then get beaten to near death by Bane, and then building himself up from that. So no matter how many bad portrayals I see of Batman, I will always remember him as a very virtuous and vulnerable character. I saw a bunch of Superman cartoons growing up before the movies, but he was pretty one-dimensional, so it couldn't leave impression on me like STM and Superman II. Hey, at least they gave me a reaction!

In any case, I'm going to be open minded on this! I never finished reading the Apocalypse 90s stuff because it wasn't my thing, so I'm looking forward to the new take. I think it would be cool if they could hire Claremont and have him write an original X-Men story alongside Bryan Singer, but maybe that's not what fans want. I think there's just a wealth of stuff they could do with this universe. If they ever wanted to tap into a more family friendly zone, they could get a Nightcrawler movie out there and market the Bamfs like those yellow guys that I've seen everywhere (I think they're called minions, but I'm not sure). I'd see that, but Nightcrawler is my favorite X-Men member. :lol Come to think of it, Nightcrawler is probably my favorite superhero along with Batman and Daredevil. He just doesn't have arch-enemies like Batman and Daredevil, so I don't think to put him up there.

I'm excited again!

I think Claremont is actually wrote a treatment for Gambit.

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Really?! Cool! I didn't even know there was a Gambit movie coming out. Is Channing Tatum a good actor? I've never seen him in anything.
Most of the world thinks he sucks, but I personally I think he's transitioning himself from just a pretty boy taking vanity projects to a solid dramatic actor.

I think he'll be great in the role, in more worried about Fox possibly imposing themselves on and turning this into another F4 situation.

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So, kind of like Brad Pitt? I remember he started off with some pretty boy roles, but he evolved into being one of the best actors. Or at least one of my favorites. As far as I'm concerned, he peaked at Tales from the Crypt though.

I'm just kidding! What happened with Fantastic Four?
So, kind of like Brad Pitt? I remember he started off with some pretty boy roles, but he evolved into being one of the best actors. Or at least one of my favorites. As far as I'm concerned, he peaked at Tales from the Crypt though.

I'm just kidding! What happened with Fantastic Four?

I was actually going to use Brad Pitt for comparison. It's pretty much the same situation.

Fox pretty much ruined the movie by stripping the budget, taking out important parts of the movie, and even editing the movie behind the directors back. The ending of that movie has to be one of the worst I've ever seen.

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