X-Men: Apocalypse - May 27, 2016

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The Civil War film was a bona-fide trailer for BP & Spider-Man's movies that featured a 36 hour feud between Cap and Tony (which Feige naturally resolved with a cute letter in the mail at the end).

"Hey Tony, my best bud Bucky bashed your dads face in and then used that same metal arm to choke yo momma. No hard feelings, bro. Take care, Steve"
The Civil War film was a bona-fide trailer for BP & Spider-Man's movies that featured a 36 hour feud between Cap and Tony (which Feige naturally resolved with a cute letter in the mail at the end).


I think that's the issue people have with some of MCU films... they seem like trailers for something else. Iron Man 2 comes to mind especially.

I loved this film and I'm not finding as many faults that many of you are. I have no bias towards any studios either since I can admit all the stinkers and crap films from every studio. I thought everything played out nicely and made sense in the film. Sure, the Wolverine part could seem like it was thrown in but I loved that moment.

If anything, I thought Angel sucked and I wish Storm had a larger role because I liked her. It would've been nice to see Jubilee more but I didn't think she was going to be a big part. I didn't think I would like Mystique leading the X-men but the script made it make sense since she was a "hero for mutants" and all the young ones looked up to her.

I thought all of the Magneto scenes were great and I love how they tied them up with the past two films of this trilogy. Jean was a stand out for me and her and Cyclops FINALLY got their dues IMO. I never really cared for the Cyclops and Jean from the original trilogy. Nightcrawler was great and Quicksilver was awesome as always IMO. I'm super excited to see the next few films with the young, new cast without Hugh Jackman and the movie focusing on Wolverine.
Just saw this. The movie had some shortcomings, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Don't understand why it was so heavily trashed by critics. Although comic related movies have come a long way and are part of the mainstream, they are not high art. I've seen just about every MCU movie worth seeing and it ranks pretty high in my opinion. Sometimes it's just about escaping.

I always have a bit of difficult time when things don't jive with the comics, but it doesn't ruin it for me. Apocalypse isn't the Apocalypse that I know, but I did like the take on him. I hope the movie does well, because I'd like to see the franchise continue. I guess I'd enjoy it more if it was under Disney/Marvel's control, but I'll take what I can get.
Honestly, the only things I remember about the Civil War comic are the things that I didn't like. Zombie clone Thor, complete psychopath Punisher, the flimsy schism between Stark and Cap, and Spidey revealing his identity. So glad none of this was in the movie.

Back to Apocalypse. Looks like the second coming of BvS from the leaked footage I've seen. Wolverine scene is nowhere close to the savagery from the Weapon X comic. Wolverine growling into the camera got the laughs it deserved. People shooting at Wolverine looks like they have all the time in the world to at least run. I think they were trying to capture the video game action of the Raven software games and they failed. At least Snyder nailed his video game action in BvS.
Did you also cringe during Magneto's friend scene with Xavier after having killed millions?

For me that wasn't even in the same universe as the CW letter.
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Agree. That was the third time in this movie timeline that Magneto did some bad **** at the end. Magneto should have been imprisoned or at least lobotomized by Charles. Maybe because Apocalypse took his hair instead of Magneto.
Did you also cringe during Magneto's friend scene with Xavier after having killed millions?

For me that wasn't even in the same universe as the CW letter.

Magneto helped stop Apocalypse. Its a Vader scenario of sorts. Didn't love it but no, it didn't leave the awful taste of Tony reading that bull**** letter.

X-Men: Apocalypse wasn't a great film but neither was Civil War. Both disappointed me just the same in that they had the potential to be the definitive films of their respective franchises.

What bothers me even more about Civil War is that its hailed as something definitive by a fandom that at this point just wants mindless popcorn movies that don't take risks.

The Winter Soldier was a cerebral movie filled with pathos and gravitas. Civil War had none of that and hijacked Cap of all the quiet character moments he could have had to service Tony Stark's pseudo-Iron Man 4 story arc.

Just an overall overrated popcorn movie that did to Civil War what X-Men Origins did to Weapon X.
Honestly, the only things I remember about the Civil War comic are the things that I didn't like. Zombie clone Thor, complete psychopath Punisher, the flimsy schism between Stark and Cap, and Spidey revealing his identity. So glad none of this was in the movie.

Back to Apocalypse. Looks like the second coming of BvS from the leaked footage I've seen. Wolverine scene is nowhere close to the savagery from the Weapon X comic. Wolverine growling into the camera got the laughs it deserved. People shooting at Wolverine looks like they have all the time in the world to at least run. I think they were trying to capture the video game action of the Raven software games and they failed. At least Snyder nailed his video game action in BvS.

I thought they did a decent job with the Weapon X violence with the PG-13 restriction. At least they bled this time! Wolverine was slicing and dicing people in the original trilogy without a drop of blood landing anywhere or on his claws! So at least it wasn't Disney G this time. Hoping Wolverine 3 is a truly unleashed, R rated Wolverine or at least they get that Deadpool/Wolverine movie made so they can go all-out there.
Honestly, the only things I remember about the Civil War comic are the things that I didn't like. Zombie clone Thor, complete psychopath Punisher, the flimsy schism between Stark and Cap, and Spidey revealing his identity. So glad none of this was in the movie.

Back to Apocalypse. Looks like the second coming of BvS from the leaked footage I've seen. Wolverine scene is nowhere close to the savagery from the Weapon X comic. Wolverine growling into the camera got the laughs it deserved. People shooting at Wolverine looks like they have all the time in the world to at least run. I think they were trying to capture the video game action of the Raven software games and they failed. At least Snyder nailed his video game action in BvS.

When Wolverine looked into the camera he should've said:

"Ah, n-now eventually you do plan to have weapon X on your..on your weapon X breakout scene, right?"
I thought they did a decent job with the Weapon X violence with the PG-13 restriction. At least they bled this time! Wolverine was slicing and dicing people in the original trilogy without a drop of blood landing anywhere or on his claws! So at least it wasn't Disney G this time. Hoping Wolverine 3 is a truly unleashed, R rated Wolverine or at least they get that Deadpool/Wolverine movie made so they can go all-out there.

It was great seeing Weapon X in berserker mode. Finally.

Loved how the stinger opened with them mopping up the blood and guts. An omen to what's coming in March.
If the Singerverse is your thing, or if you even enjoyed XMA then great. But yeah, if the only way you can prop up your series is to act like Civil War wasn't top shelf superhero entertainment that didn't expertly tell its story or was some glorified trailer for a *Black Panther* movie (seriously, wtf :lol) then you might as well turn in your Film Critique Credibility Card. It's pretty much void from here on out.

I keep hearing the CW comic sucks ass, I'm guessing that's why (among other factors) they didn't use it for the movie.

Yeah, it wasn't very good. A lighting fast escalation between the heroes that then led to an abrupt and totally out of character ending. I mean I get that they were fully reinventing Cap and Iron Man at that point but the reimagined characters were just crap. The bones of the story were interesting (though pretty much a copy of the "Commission for Superhero Activities" that Cap opposed in the 80's) which is what the Russos picked up on and actually did justice to.
Yikes, even worse than initially reported! It didn't even break 80!

According to Variety, Fox's mutant centric flick is expected to rake in over $76 million by the end of its first four days, failing to reach the $110.5 million figure that X-Men: Days of Future Past pulled in during its Memorial Day weekend debut in 2014.

It's also worth noting that Apocalypse only had the sixth highest-grossing opening in the X-Men franchise, with Deadpool leading the pack and The Wolverine at the very bottom in ninth place.
Adjusting for inflation did it even beat Green Lantern?

EDIT: Barely. Green Lantern made $56 million in 2016 dollars its first three days.
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If the Singerverse is your thing, or if you even enjoyed XMA then great. But yeah, if the only way you can prop up your series is to act like Civil War wasn't top shelf superhero entertainment that didn't expertly tell its story or was some glorified trailer for a *Black Panther* movie (seriously, wtf :lol) then you might as well turn in your Film Critique Credibility Card. It's pretty much void from here on out.

Oh no!!! A person who thought Civil War was "Top Shelf Superhero entertainment" thinks I have no credibility!!! How will I survive this???

Civil War was a popcorn movie that had no balls whatsoever. Not even a semblance of balls.

In an era of films like The Dark Knight, Days of Future Past and Deadpool - Civil War is Disney Marvel at their absolute safest.

"Let's bill this movie as a WAR movie between our heroes but just have them play fight for ten minutes in an airport hangar while they throw an endless barrage of one-liners at each other (to remind the kids this is all in fun)." -Disney

If having "Film Critique Credibility" means championing a popcorn movie with no teeth at a time where popcorn movies have become ambitious and transcendent, then broski, I ain't got none nor want any.
If the Singerverse is your thing, or if you even enjoyed XMA then great. But yeah, if the only way you can prop up your series is to act like Civil War wasn't top shelf superhero entertainment that didn't expertly tell its story or was some glorified trailer for a *Black Panther* movie (seriously, wtf :lol) then you might as well turn in your Film Critique Credibility Card. It's pretty much void from here on out.

For me it doesn't always have to be about "muh pathos!" "muh gravitas!"

CW is being hailed a near masterpiece because it successfully navigated the very difficult waters of throwing a ton of characters on screen and making them all work, not an easy task in any genre.

You know what sometimes fun and thrilling entertainment moves the soul as much as pathos and gravitas.

XMA had some exciting and emotional moments no doubt about it and some of the emotional stuff was initially presented in an even better manner than CW but then those emotional heart string moments were completely ruined or negated by what came later.

I'm sorry but XMA is not even close to the quality of CW, even BvS is better than XMA.

Putting that many characters on screen in CW was ambitious and it coming out as good as it did makes it transcendent.

Oh no!!! A person who thought Civil War was "Top Shelf Superhero entertainment" thinks I have no credibility!
