X-Men: Dark Phoenix

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Just put on any other XM movie and watch the Xavier and Magneto scenes.

There you just watched DP because this movie did their previous scenes beat for beat!

I was laughing sooooo hard when
Magneto went from levitating angry and murdering to smiling and giggling again with Charles over chess

Don’t even get me started on the freaking DP plot because there wasn’t one i’m not kidding lololololol

Her X-Women line made zero sense all the men on the team did just as much and she actually did nothing I swear nothing at all she sat in a chair :rotfl

This movie doesn’t need spoiler tags I swear it doesn’t lol

My snow globe has bigger scope than this movie lol at the “NYC” street scene it was the size of my backyard.

Holy hell was it super talky, super slow, super small, super freaking boring!

My son fell asleep.

All the
evil alien had to do was absorb the cosmic force herself she was right there in space next to Jean when it happened instead of letting Jean do it because she could also handle the power just like Jean wtf nothing made sense lol

Feige must’ve had his jaw on the ground when he saw this lol
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Just put on any other XM movie and watch the Xavier and Magneto scenes.

There you just watched DP because this movie did their previous scenes beat for beat!

I was laughing sooooo hard when
Magneto went from levitating angry and murdering to smiling and giggling again with Charles over chess

Don’t even get me started on the freaking DP plot because there wasn’t one i’m not kidding lololololol

Her X-Women line made zero sense all the men on the team did just as much and she actually did nothing I swear nothing at all she sat in a chair :rotfl

This movie doesn’t need spoiler tags I swear it doesn’t lol

My snow globe has bigger scope than this movie lol at the “NYC” street scene it was the size of my backyard.

Holy hell was it super talky, super slow, super small, super freaking boring!

My son fell asleep.

All the
evil alien had to do was absorb the cosmic force herself she was right there in space next to Jean when it happened instead of letting Jean do it because she could also handle the power just like Jean wtf nothing made sense lol

Feige must’ve had his jaw on the ground when he saw this lol

Lol hilarious. Well atleast we know snikt will help the box office with his repeat viewings
How horrible is this movie?

Horrible? It's....

This movie was AWESOME.

i was expecting it to be bad and I was hooked within minutes.

There is one clunky scene outside the hotel when Magneto hunts someone down. It was pretty forced and clunky.

The rest of the movie was way better than expected!

The rescue mission and the fight on the train were REALLY GOOD.

I also like the minimalist music. The plot is pretty simple and works. It never loses momentum.

I think a lot of you will be surprised. That fight on the train was epic. Everyone throws down like an Avengers style brawl!!
Still thinking about this. 9/10.

I really do think there’s some kind of sabotage going on with critics? There must be.

Some of the special effects sequences are 10/10. The music is fantastic. The acting/dialogue is subtle and natural. Great pacing.

Magneto goes ape**** in that train. The 50 cal machine gun vs the villains sequence is EPIC in the Dolby theatre. So much action in that scene!!
Magneto levitating something then playing chess with Charles. :rotfl

Man I woke up this morning what a crazy nightmare I had I dreamed that I saw the most boring XM movie in that franchise about a cosmic force contained to a junk yard battle and loaded with character motivations that made no sense think of Batman and Superman not really needing to fight and then Magneto and Charles want to kill each other and then next thing you know they’re smiling and nodding at each other again respecting each others position and Magneto’s motivation for his arc was utter crap lol

That was even worse than the spider in my bed.

Is everyone ready....don’t read if you don’t want it spoiled.....enjoy:

Xavier retires to a european cafe and it’s the last scene in the movie JUST LIKE RISES BATMAN lulz

Oh and Cyclops eye blast is so wimpy in this movie lol

Yes the 50 Cal sounded great in the theater but the movie is not called X-Men: Dark 50 Cal is it lol

Thank god it’s over.
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