It was said a few times he wasn't in the movie.
Didnt read 200 posts back...

This stupid franchise. Killed off one of it's main characters.
Not really, he wasn't that main in the movies
So... Basically um I take it the reason why that is because all X-Men movies are linked? X-Men First Class, X-men, X2, X The Last Stand, X Origins: Wolverine and The Wolverine correct? Cause Origins is playing with fire if linked to First Class and this is all supposed to link together to DOFP? What I mean is okay, Cyclops out yeah... If movies are all linked makes sense, since Cyclops was rescued in late 80's in Origins and DOFP is 70's. However... First Class has Xavier crippled in 60's while as Origins has him walking? I mean even X3 has him what looks like late 80's early 90's visiting Jean's house walking.