Wolverine is the one that time travels, exists in both worlds, knows everyone, has the "mission", is in like every scene we've seen so far wheres theres X-men based on stills etc. He's the main character in both of Singer's X-films. Toad, Striker is back again for the billionth time. Rogue was in 3 movies, a central X-Man, they wrote her a role so dumb it doesn't even remotely affect the film if it's cut and that sounds like a good sign for the writing? Singer hasn't directed a good movie in 11 years. 11 years. Jack The Giant Slayer had a massive budget as well, what good did that do?
Much like Robocop, I think it's funny that the people making the movie are so inept and out of touch, they think the material they are bombarding us with is helping them. If you don't see the humor in a magazine running off 25 variant covers of one issue to show off these terrible costume designs, you're probably one of those *******s who bought all 25 and prevented anyone else from getting a copy at the local newstand.