No, I know what you mean by "progressive." I just think that whole spiel is bull****, as well. I was just saying that Robocop was its own brand of "progressive." Now, what? Car bombs and PG-13? Bah!
As for X-Men, I'm not going to judge it. I think the actual movie looks like it could be great, but, this early on, it could also wind up terribad. With that being said, I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and hope they can pull this off and get their house in order (as this franchise still has a lot of potential, even if it does have a somewhat spotty track record. With that being said, I do agree that some of the design choices were poor. Sunspot looks like Prince, and I love Snake Plissken's post that Iceman looks like he raided Andrew Dice Clay's closet.

I think the only one in that pic that looks decent is Collodsus. I don't know what's going on with Ellen Page. I think she's almost exactly in the same situation as her Juno costar Michael Cera, in that she's outgrowing her appeal. That "I'm cute, and quirky and awkward" schtick is fading away. Seriously, she looks like she's 40.