Uncanny Web-Slinger
Super Freak
Looks pretty much 1:1 Bishop
They all look great. Beast the best he's looked, imo
They all look great. Beast the best he's looked, imo
Trask sure looks grumpy.
Must be a close relative.
Looks pretty much 1:1 Bishop
They all look great. Beast the best he's looked, imo
Beast in FC looked 1000 times better.
I don't know if this has been mentioned already (I have been struggling to keep up with this thread), so apologies if it has, but apparently Singer mentioned that Rogue is still in this film;
“It was one real sequence in the movie,” rehashed Singer. But he added, “It does not mean that we won’t see her in the film. Also, I hope to make the sequence available on the DVD as she was quite wonderful in it. She is an important part of the X-Men family. I ‘m very pleased she will remain as one of Empire’s anniversary covers.”
I'd like to see her, if not in the thetrical version then perhaps a directors cut or extended edition
Simon Kinberg said:"The arc in this film is in many ways seeing Charles who lost his best friend in Erik, lost his sister and confidante in Jennifer Lawrence's Raven, lost his legs at the end of First Class, [it's] seeing the real impact that that would have on a human being, how it would actually break their spirit in some ways, and this movie's about building him back up to the place where he becomes Professor Xavier."
Read more: https://www.digitalspy.co.uk/movies...yan-singers-superhero-epic.html#ixzz2tr6mIVET
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...minus 1000.Beast in FC looked 1000 times better.
...minus 1000.
He looked way too cat/Grinch-like in First Class. Now he has that actual "beast" look.
lolwut.Because "akzual beezd look" means hairy dude painted blue, right?