Missing the Iron Man armor. Fail.I've created the ultimate bad ass
Missing the Iron Man armor. Fail.
The fact that you can say you disliked Jackman's Wolverine may put a damper on our "best friends" status.That man and his interpretation of the character are wonderful. I just hope he sticks with it. We know there's Apocalypse and a new Wolverine coming, but, if he could make it to 2020, that'd be twenty years, and that would be awesome.
Yeah wtf with Mystique? Then again as a-dev said, she could have escaped. But I agree, kind of cheesy.There's two big continuity issues that still bug me (Xavier being alive, which has never been really addressed, and Mystique being in the earlier X-men films, although she should have been captured in 1973), but overall I really enjoyed the flick and am impressed with where it's heading. Bring on Apocalypse!
To me it goes beyond being captured. Tyrion said he needed spinal fluid, brain tissue, etc. That, plus the shots of the autopsies on "Angel" and Azazel give you the impression that they aren't just going to do tests, but perform experimentation akin to a laboratory rat. If she was ever released somehow, she would probably be a mutilated vegetable at best.I'm not sure why it's so implausible that mystique could have escaped captivity at some point between 1973 and the timeframe of the original films....
Warning spoilers. Also as I watched I saw many examples of vehicles that had been used before in other media, such as the T-1000 adapting, the everyone being wiped out just before it is reset (Back To The Future) and a few minor elements that seemed rather familiar.