It was a neat little idea IMO, and while I can respect some folks getting upset about it, I don't think the vast majority of moviegoers were really bothered at all. So, I don't see why it should have been scrapped, either.
If you want to microanalyze these movies, all of them have little holes. But the Mags thing is pretty easy to imagine. If he's concentrating on the bullet then he's not concentrating on himself, and all someone has to do is run up behind him and knock him out with the butt of their rifle. Keep him sedated until he's away from metal. As for the bullet trajectory, there could have been multiple bullets (as there were in reality), and Mags wasn't able to avert the path of all of them away from hitting vital organs.
No more odd than the idea that Winter Soldier sees Fury escaping into a hole in the ground and decides, "damn. Can't get him now!" Every movie has those. Some decisions are made to move the plot forward, and aren't scrutinized in such extensive detail that they can escape all criticism. Even the most well thought out movies like Chinatown have those.
We can all agree that X-Men DOFP is a fantastic film . . . except for the JFK assassination subplot.
The breakout sequence with Quicksilver is one of my favorite parts of the film. My only quibble is that Magneto is in there because of JFK. Made no sense. I also had an issue with the film ending on "Stryker Mystique". That was ****ing dumb and an unnecessary "oh snap" twist. One, how and why did Mystique find Logan in the river? What does she care? Two, the film was *this* close to making sense with the future (even though in X2, it's implied Stryker and Logan go way back). Mystique had pretty much the whole plot of the story revolving around her, did she really need to be involved with this too? Now things are going to get really weird.
I think it's totally possible, though maybe unlikely (though as turtle says, we don't have context--if Mags was really unprepared, and trying to act at a moment's notice, it's easier to see him being blind-sided than if he had time to fully plan for what was going to happen). Unlike the WS thing, which has no real explanation whatsoever.Well we're having two different conversations then.
You were acting like the Magneto capture was this totally plausible thing, not something totally far fetched based on the character's capabilities. If you now want to concede that it was indeed a huge stretch then yes, I will concede that other movies, even great ones, also have moments like that. Sweet, we're good. Closing the thread now.
I don't see how it's a stretch, we're given a vague explanation on what actually happened.
We've also seen him loose concentration very easily....
We've seen him lift submarines, hundreds of missiles, bend a satellite, control a single bullet into a cop's head (whilst controling dozens of guns), move the golden gate bridge, move an entire stadium, reprogram sentinels with some train tracks, and throw people around with relative ease . . . .
Yet, he not only failed saving JFK in the "bent bullet" scenario at the grassy knoll, but was also captured by the government? It's a stretch. There would have been much better alternatives to get inprisoned under the pentagon.
Because the JFK thing is "cool."Why not just state he got captured during one of those missions?