All this Cap 2 knocking seems to be the culmination of all the praise it received in the past 5 months. I remember the same thing happened with The Dark Knight. A few peeps got tired of hearing how great it was and went into the "it's not that great" phase.
I liked all the comic book movies this year except ASM 2. Winter Soldier was fantastic, Days of Future Past was great and Guardians of the Galaxy was a really superb, "feel good" cap to the summer movie season. I really had no complaints this year. I dunno why you twerps are putting these things against each other. This year actually had a really great run compared to last year's **** fest.
Oh, and some of you need to get off of Mcavoy and Fassbender's dicks. While I wouldn't say they were simply "serviceable" (I though they were great personally), I wouldn't say they made me cry or were "Oscar" material. You know what they did? They brought Charles and Xavier to life, much like Stewart and Mckellen have done. I saw Professor X and Magneto on screen and they did a great job at portraying their characters (just like Hugh Jackman as Logan and most of the cast in these X-Men movies). You know who else did a great job of portraying their character? Chris Evans. Steve Rogers isn't a shakespearian caricature that's channeling Martin Luther King and Malcolm X like Xavier and Magneto. Cap is a good, kind hearted man that is much more simple with his ideals. Evans oozes good, principles, leadership and conviction.
Is he as good an actor as the other two? I don't know, but he is JUST as good if not better at portraying Cap as they are with their respective roles. This movie wasn't about Cap being trapped in a plastic prison or crying up stairs after taking his needle, it was Cap being in the center of this huge conspiracy and having to deal with it without compromising his ideals.