Guys, guys. Enough with the crying over 17 movies across 14 years not lining up perfectly. X:FC and DOFP are a rebooted series that isn't connected to anything that came before except for some common actors and stock footage. Deal with it. 

Guys, guys. Enough with the crying over 17 movies across 14 years not lining up perfectly. X:FC and DOFP are a rebooted series that isn't connected to anything that came before except for some common actors and stock footage. Deal with it.![]()
So you're cool with Cap being a black midget in Avengers 2 right?![]()
I don't think he was being serious.
Marvel hinges on Universe building to survive. The Avengers is the culmination of working very hard to have 4-5 consistent products. Look at Iron Man 3, it fairly gets criticism over no Shield or Cap showing up when the president of the country is about to be murdered on live tv. So it's not like anyone's exempt.
The Batman movies, Star Wars, The Godfather, especially Harry Potter, these are considered such amazing franchises because of continuity. There is a clear story and character you can follow for years. It's also why TV is becoming a preferred medium for storytelling. Breaking Bad doesn't have trouble going from one season to the next.
I'd agree all movies should be able to stand on their own, without needing another to resolve the major plot issues, but leaving threads hanging is always going to be a part of movies like this and if the people who come in next can't sew those threads together, you have a problem. You're excited for the next movie right? Why? Because of this movie and what it set up. Otherwise there is nothing to look forward to. You're even mentioning it right there.
I think this is true to some extent, but I'm more excited about the fact that we have a creative team involved that I know can do great X-Men movies. If the X-franchise was made the equivalent of the DC Animated Universe, and we got completely different stylistic takes that explicitly focused on different "universes," and where the movies didn't logically follow or connect to previous ones, I would be totally OK with it if they were all great. But yes, there is also something to be said for building up specific characters that you will follow and learn to like from film to film. And the X-movies clearly meant for these to be connected, so sure, in an ideal world they would have fixed all these problems. But the fact that they weren't solved didn't detract from my personal enjoyment. Enough of the important connections were maintained--i.e., Charles, Mags, and Wolverine were all who they were supposed to be, Mystique and Beast were logical carryovers from First Class, mutants were feared and hated by certain parts of society in the way they always are in these movies, etc.You're excited for the next movie right? Why? Because of this movie and what it set up. Otherwise there is nothing to look forward to.
I think he was being serious.
You have other stories told with plot holes that are still just as loved, The Sopranos had a few, and while it's not a movie, The Metal Gear franchise has probably more than X-Men.
I'll take a DOFP with some continuity issues over an Iron Man 2 anyday, which suffered from jamming almost everything from the Marvel Universe films in it to set up The Avengers.
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Yeah, I wanted someone to call me out on that.![]()
IM2 doesn't have continuity issues, it has too much plot jammed into it. That's a different thing altogether. IM3 does.
The thing is, we were past this already with First Class. This movie chose to retcon and bring back actors and shined the light on those issues. It could have actually fixed them like I said, with Bishop. I can't wrap my head around why they wouldn't have done that if that was, and it clearly was, there goal. (fixing it so everything lines up instead of just FC and everything going forward)
Seriously, you send Bishop back first. That's it. Fixed. What happened? Doesn't matter. They can make it up in Apocalypse later. It would be an explanation enough, he did something, it changed everything. Bingo. Done. Now you can have a different timeline for Wolverine to fix and a new changed one in the past going forward.
I also have a hard time believing that "J-Law" somehow becomes Rebecca Romijn. In reality, you just have to come to terms with this whole universe being ****ed up, that's all you can do.
I'm not saying IM2 has continuity issues, but it suffers by trying to link everything together, and set up The Avengers, like you said too much plot.
The movie is great, and you should probably watch it.
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Bishop can take energy directed to him, and channel it into energy he uses. Similar in some ways to Shaw in First Class.
I'm patiently waiting Jye to photoshop Garry Coleman into the Cap suit.
This movie suffered the typical prequel BS of major events never being mentioned again in the older movies.
A mutant encapsulated the White House for christs sake on the news prior Mystique changing time.
Never mentioned in X1/2/3.
JLaw is a great Mystique, I could see her becomming the older Mystique.
I can't
DiFabio scolded me for going overboard.![]()
He doesn't redirect the same form of energy that is used on him, it is transformed into his own kind of energy that apparently powers his rifle in the movie. I don't know why he specifically was chosen to go back in time, except that it's a reference to him in the comics, where he is primarily a time traveler from the future who works with "modern time" X-Men. Maybe they explained this in the movie and I missed it. They did make reference to the physical toll time travel takes on individuals, so maybe the fact that he could withstand some punishment while absorbing energy was another reason for it.And so when Kitty sends him back in time he's able to take that power and share it with the team? I was a little confused as to how the whole team was avoiding the Sentinels in the beginning.
Yea, I forgot Magneto puts a stadium around the White House. I don't think they can cover that one up.![]()