Xbox One System Discussion

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on youtube & Facebook its worse with Sony's Fanboys

I have both the Xbox360 and PS3, and I Prefer the Playstation 3
however with this next gen Console, Sony Fanboys are being more annoying than a fly that won't stay away

on youtube they are thumbing down every Xbox one video.. even if it's a good feature for the xbox, it's thumbed down, I have not seen an xbox One video with massive thumbs up because of them sony boys.

even in a PS4 video .. the replies aint about the PS4, it's aimed at Xbox with comments like "more shots to Xbox, xbox sucks ...etc" all about xbox.

even when I hate something badly I don't go everywhere just to prove something I hate sucks .

and there are some hypocritical comments everywhere, when Xbox announces a feature they say "xbox sucks" .. but when sony announces the same features "Hell yeah its killing the xbox"

we all got frustrated at Microsoft in the beginning with its DRM policies.. now that they reversed it we are passed that and moved on .. and it's only Sony Fanboys that aint moving on
Sweet where is that PS4 thread? This should be fun.:)

Just to be clear, I love my 360 and have been on live for 7 years plus now.

Nothing, and I mean nothing, would make me happier if the Xbox one is successful. I do hope to be a part of that console - eventually.Like anything in life, my feelings about the new console are 'complicated'. I suspect a year or so into its life, there will be games or aspects to it that will tempt me into a purchase. As of this moment, however, I just feel like Sony's message is a little more to my personal liking.

Ok, I'm done - that's my non smartass response!
I don't know about Facebook, but if you want to see the lowest form of human expression, look no further than the YouTube comments. That goes for any video. It'll make you feel dirty for being one of them. Anonymity creates monsters of towering stupidity and ignorance of freakish proportions. I don't paY attention to any of it anymore. It's like looking into someone's unfiltered thoughts. It's a scary place. It's not surprising that the deepest, darkest trolling and fanboy behavior happens there. Zero accountability brings out the absolute worst in people.
I don't know about Facebook, but if you want to see the lowest form of human expression, look no further than the YouTube comments. That goes for any video. It'll make you feel dirty for being one of them. Anonymity creates monsters of towering stupidity and ignorance of freakish proportions. I don't paY attention to any of it anymore. It's like looking into someone's unfiltered thoughts. It's a scary place. It's not surprising that the deepest, darkest trolling and fanboy behavior happens there. Zero accountability brings out the absolute worst in people.

Those are wise words snappahead.
I was angry at the Xbone policy policing but now that they have relinquished most of there DRM ideas, I am leaning back towards the Xbone.
As long as it's not taking away any drive cycles/resources from the system, it's a great idea.
As it is, there's something like 6GB of the 8GB for gaming. The OS and Kinect are using some of that precious RAM.
Any places where I can get a Day 1 system? I tuned them out when they announced it due to all the BS but I've since found out they changed it so I'm back on board.
Any places where I can get a Day 1 system? I tuned them out when they announced it due to all the BS but I've since found out they changed it so I'm back on board.

Looks like they're all sold out online, you might have to check around at your local stores to see if there's any that are still taking preorders. Best Buy, Gamestop, Walmart.
Any places where I can get a Day 1 system? I tuned them out when they announced it due to all the BS but I've since found out they changed it so I'm back on board.

I'll wait till I can stroll into Best Buy and get one off the shelf. :dance
theres a new rumor going around that microsoft will hold a press conference to reintroduce xbox one and better explain it and lower the price to 400 and anounce release date its in nov just not sure what day. I preordered the day 1 edition first day it went up but if its lowered to 400 that would be awesome.