For the first time since the console wars have raged I can honestly say I don't feel the need to get a PS4 or Xbone on launch day.
Why in the world would you even want one of the launch versions?
It's a fact those versions always have problems, it's best to wait for the second batch at least.
Anyway l hate the idea of te new Xbox. Microsoft has officially turned into Nazis, like seriously.
Only being able to game for 24 hours then having to hook it up online again, that is stupid.
Their used game policy is stupid, only friends online for at least 30 days can use/borrow your game. So any game disc can only be used twice for downloading then it's useless? I buy a game, use it to download onto my hard drive, then give it to a friend, he does the same (only allowed once) so after that the disc and game is worthless then?
I am done with Microsoft and them acting like Nazis. Hope Sony goes in an opposite direction and destroys Microsoft, because this is their chance.
I wont get this or Sony until the prices drop big time, in like three or four years from now. All this way over complicated crap isn't even worth it unless the next gen games are going to be Epic.