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Well my 360 Elite craped out today.

About a month ago l bought a new TV. Hooked it up and it was fine. Next time l used my Xbox l smelled a wierd smell, then got the Red Ring Of Death. The Xbox didn't work after turning it on and off. I got mad and punched my Xbox, then it worked again, until today.

Crazy thing is last night l had a dream that my Xbox will not work the next time l use it, sure as hell l go to turn it on and l get the red rings flashing.

This is my second one. God l hate Mircrosoft.
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Well my 360 Elite craped out today.

About a month ago l bought a new TV. Hooked it up and it was fine. Next time l used my Xbox l smelled a wierd smell, then got the Red Ring Of Death. The Xbox didn't work after turning it on and off. I got mad and punched my Xbox, then it worked again, until today.

Crazy thing is last night l had a dream that my Xbox will not work the next time l use it, sure as hell l go to turn it on and l get the red rings flashing.

This is my second one. God l hate Mircrosoft.

You'll be fine dude, ive had 4.
You'll be fine dude, ive had 4.

Now what am l supposed to do. you can't buy reg Xboxes in stores anymore, like the Elite. l can't buy another console and slap my 20GB hard drive on. All they have are these new kinecs or what ever they are called, can my regular 20GB hard drive slap onto the 250GB kinect console. l don't think that will work.
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Now what am l supposed to do. you can't buy reg Xboxes in stores anymore, like the Elite. l can't buy another console and slap my 20GB hard drive on. All they have are these new kinecs or what ever they are called, can my regular 20GB hard drive slap onto the 250GB kinect console. l don't think that will work.

$100 and Microsoft will fix the one you have or give you a refurbished one. Plus when you get it back it comes with an additional year warranty. It's about a two week turn around time. Cheaper than buying a new one.
I'll look into it. l don't have the receipt anymore, (proof of purchase). Not sure if that is a problem or not.

You don't need any of that. Just serial and model number. Your essentially paying $100 for a traded console and a one year extended warranty.
Have fun with your 3 broken boxes. I preordered the Gears of War console since my pro is getting tired. Ive worked it like an animal for years now
Fear, if your not willing to ship it back to have it repaired and are just gonna buy another one, make sure you go ahead and just buy the stupid transfer cable for your hard drive. Also...depending on where you buy it from if you have the option just buy that stores little warranty it will pay off in the end.

Thats how Im on my 4th xbox. Ive bought mine at best buy and spent the extra $60 for there in store warranty and everytime it crapped out I just walked in told them showed them the warranty and walked out with a new one even kept my old hard drive. Walmart does it, Gamestop does it, Im sure other stores do it as well just ask if not about a replacement plan.
Fear, if your not willing to ship it back to have it repaired and are just gonna buy another one, make sure you go ahead and just buy the stupid transfer cable for your hard drive. Also...depending on where you buy it from if you have the option just buy that stores little warranty it will pay off in the end.

Thats how Im on my 4th xbox. Ive bought mine at best buy and spent the extra $60 for there in store warranty and everytime it crapped out I just walked in told them showed them the warranty and walked out with a new one even kept my old hard drive. Walmart does it, Gamestop does it, Im sure other stores do it as well just ask if not about a replacement plan.

How long was the extended warranty for the $60? l will probably buy the kinect 250GB console. How much do you think that cord is to transfer my old hard drive to the new one, probably $50-$60. If so that is another $120 on top of the price tag $299.

Microsoft sure has it down on how to milk us. Why they didn't make the kinect have the same hard drive as always is beyond me. Just another money grap to make you upgrade, or forced to buy their transfer cord.

Have you heard about the red ring of death on the kinects, l don't know much about them.
I have been reading up on the new Xbox slim 250GB, they still have over heating problems that cause the machine to die. The new Xbox doesn't have the red ring of death when it dies, instead it has a friendly error message that tells you you're screwed.

l was reading in the newest Xbox magazine about what the next Xbox will be. Microsoft wants it to be a full Entertainment console, running all you entertainment needs. Playing games will be be like only 40% of the consoles usage. If they have over heating problems, then trust me the next one will as well, then they will burn out more quickly. my next Xbox l buy, l will ONLY use if for games. No more watching movies on it all day, all it does is cut the life of the system.

Now talking about conspiracy theories.:lol. l wouldn't be surprised if these consoles are designed to only last a certain amount of time. If almost everyone who buys an Xbox eventually has to buy another one do to failure, Microsoft would double or triple their sales. In todays sick world of raping the consumers l wouldn't be surprised if this would be the case.

The original Xboxes and the original Playstations were tanks. Never had a problem with those consoles back in the day.
I have been reading up on the new Xbox slim 250GB, they still have over heating problems that cause the machine to die. The new Xbox doesn't have the red ring of death when it dies, instead it has a friendly error message that tells you you're screwed.

l was reading in the newest Xbox magazine about what the next Xbox will be. Microsoft wants it to be a full Entertainment console, running all you entertainment needs. Playing games will be be like only 40% of the consoles usage. If they have over heating problems, then trust me the next one will as well, then they will burn out more quickly. my next Xbox l buy, l will ONLY use if for games. No more watching movies on it all day, all it does is cut the life of the system.

Now talking about conspiracy theories.:lol. l wouldn't be surprised if these consoles are designed to only last a certain amount of time. If almost everyone who buys an Xbox eventually has to buy another one do to failure, Microsoft would double or triple their sales. In todays sick world of raping the consumers l wouldn't be surprised if this would be the case.

The original Xboxes and the original Playstations were tanks. Never had a problem with those consoles back in the day.

Both systems have their problems. The original Xbox was pretty reliable, but the PS2 has SEVERE problems at launch. Even now, the older PS3 systems(the fatties) are all but kaput. My 60gb bit the dust, personally.

You want reliability, you purchase a Nintendo system. Otherwise, the more advanced these systems get, the more problems they are likely to have.

I'm hoping we won't see the next crop of systems until 2014.
How long was the extended warranty for the $60? l will probably buy the kinect 250GB console. How much do you think that cord is to transfer my old hard drive to the new one, probably $50-$60. If so that is another $120 on top of the price tag $299.

Microsoft sure has it down on how to milk us. Why they didn't make the kinect have the same hard drive as always is beyond me. Just another money grap to make you upgrade, or forced to buy their transfer cord.

Have you heard about the red ring of death on the kinects, l don't know much about them.

Well at Best Buy the $60 bought you a year warranty, some people say why pay for a year when microsoft has a warranty and whatever else...I just plunked down the $60 and no mailing or dealing with them. It breaks you just walk in and get another one. As for the transfer cord I think they re like $50, but once you use it just sell it here on the boards or something. Im sure someone could use it. I'll have to end up getting me a new xbox here soon to with all the abuse I put mine thru.
Im still playing on my original 20gig hd and well its got about 7 gigs left on it and I always am clearing stuff off it. Sometime I think I might just start over with a new name and new everything.

Although I hve my gears of war 3 beta saves on it...I'll need to transfer that over if it ever dies :slap
I'm not sure if my 360 is getting louder or if it just seems that way because I've been playing my much quieter PS3 more lately. That being said I only use my 360 for games and nothing else. DVD's, Netflix all goes to my PS3. It's funny despite the PS3 being more expensive to replace, I'm still more paranoid about my 360 ____ing up on me than my PS3 even though I've had more problems (albeit minor) with my PS3 than 360.