there is not much love about this statue....wander why....???
there is not much love about this statue....wander why....???
It's the usual quite period until XM posts some end production pics. Then things will heat up again.
Yeah, but this statue as a whole is suffering slightly when you compare it to some other XM statues as a whole piece; base and figure. If you look at the whole statue it doesn't compare to say Black Bolt or Ghost Rider when you look at how dynamic and innovative they are. It is a museum pose with a spinning hammer an the same "calling a HomeRun" pose as Cap and Iron Man, and not nearly as cool a base as Iron Man. I know a lot of these decision were made to keep the classic Avengers line consistent, but when compared against the classic Avengers designs to XM's more recent designs they just don't pop or have the wow factor that say Magneto or Wolverine do, and that applies to this Thor even though Erick killed the sculpt on it. I am not saying the designs or statues are bad mind you, I know Cap looks great and I am sure this one will too. I just don't think the excitement is going to be as high is all. Let's face it there are guys who bought XMs Antman who will probably leave the full sized figure in the box, and bought it manly to display the miniAntman and his ant
XM Thor will be a grail out of the box, point.
Oh I am not saying it won't look great, but it isn't going to be of the same stature as say Magneto, Phoenix, and GhostRider. Simply put, compared to them this looks Plain Jane.
I really wanted to like this Thor but I think XM trapped itself. People love them for their unique and modern take on some of our favorite characters. They could have done alot with pimping out his look but instead did the same old comic design. For me this looks like a big upgraded Bowen. Where is the forearm straps, modern boots, under armor top, maybe some cargo pants. I'm just saying that so far XM biggest hits have been their unique designs not their comic accurate pieces. Bring the thunder XM
Time he had his own thread
just saying...but i actually preferred the original sculpt and base...even the portraits i preferred tooI've got this one coming but really hoping XM can tweak the base cos for me, its the weakest part of the statue...
The final portraits are what actually drew me to this piece. I really like them! Made me scramble to find one after the PO had already been up for a while...
To each their own I guess...
Yeah i like the portraits on the new one better. The old base was better than the new one, but i think both are poor and could have been better anyway.