For me its the shirt... I think the open mouth version turned out ok.. I think the other head is awful... But Man I hate that shirt... This would have been a sweet piece to me if there was no shirt.
The only other thing I don't like and it's a small nit pick. Is that his feet to seem to fit flush to the ground... It looks weird in all the pics I have seen.
The shirt is the roughest part of it for me too. Otherwise I REALLY love the statue, but I feel like in person the shirt will look a bit better. I don't think anyone who has bought this and has it in hand has complained about it... then again, when you drop $800 on something, while being super scrutinizing, you also want to justify the purchase.
What is it about the t-shirt that irks you guys?
Haha I feel the t-shirt adds more to the statue. It's as though Bruce Banner has just morphed into the Hulk, thus turning his t-shirt into bits (while miraculously saving leaving his berms intact

Oh, and I definitely prefer the open mouth portrait. The amount of rage on his face goes well with the pose.