Yavin Luke 12"

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The headsculpt is...

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Wor-Gar said:
Homer said to PM him and he'll send it on... otherwise, I guess we just have to wait until the reveal this week.

Thanks Wor-Gar...I'll give it a try. Once again, I' showin' up late for the good stuff...Geez...doggone work gets in the way of all the best parties! :lol
mrmforce said:
Is it just me, but what gun is in the holster? It looks like Leia's?

Yeah, I thought that too. Haven't had a chance to check what actual blaster he had (I'm presuming it was like Han's - i.e. Luke's from ESB).

The jacket appears to be unfinished too.
Well I've just seen a tiny preview pic and granted, it was relatively small, but I was not impressed at all. The headsculpt was *extremely* underwhelming. If what I saw doesn't improve once we get better pics, I think it's safe to say that many non-attendeeds won't feel *too* slighted.
:google :google :google


I have to say that while not completely perfect it is on par to be THE BEST Sideshow 1/6 Star Wars figure, IMHO. The blaster looks incorrect and the jacket is too light but I'm definitely lining up for it. Its an excellent piece for CIV. :rock

(I've been asked not to pass it on so I won't because I agreed not to.)
Outlander said:
Yeah, I thought that too. Haven't had a chance to check what actual blaster he had (I'm presuming it was like Han's - i.e. Luke's from ESB).

The jacket appears to be unfinished too.

I was watching ANH last night and he dose have Leia's blaster so the SS fig is screen accurate.
The head sculpt is amazing, I think SS is two for two in regards to capturing Luke. Jedi Luke was a great figure and this one will be too, I can't wait to get this figure.:chew :chew
Outlander said:
bwills, are we talking about the same figure here? I reckon it's the best Luke headsculpt I've ever seen, even surpassing Gentle Giant's!

Hard to say. The pic I saw was tiny, but I didn't like what I saw. Did you see a high-res pic?
Jedi_Mike said:
:google :google :google


I have to say that while not completely perfect it is on par to be THE BEST Sideshow 1/6 Star Wars figure, IMHO. The blaster looks incorrect and the jacket is too light but I'm definitely lining up for it. Its an excellent piece for CIV. :rock

(I've been asked not to pass it on so I won't because I agreed not to.)

Same here, deffinately an impressive piece, I think some people will be changing their minds about not getting this piece once they see it, now I'm even more worried about non-attendee PPO.
I think this is one of the best ANH Luke sculpts ever, but I still proudly stand behind Sideshows Jedi Luke, to me it captures ROTJ Mark/Luke, a phenominal job. Judging by the hair and face, I'm gonna guess that Mat Falls did it again, if so, bravo once again, I think if he was the sculptor, it'd be wise to let him be the official 1/6 Luke sculptor.
MaulFan said:
Same here, deffinately an impressive piece, I think some people will be changing their minds about not getting this piece once they see it, now I'm even more worried about non-attendee PPO.
There is going to be a non-attende verison, probably along the lines of last years Anakin> i think its safe to say, if you want this figure and your not attending CIV than you will get it.
Homer Simpson said:
There is going to be a non-attende verison, probably along the lines of last years Anakin> i think its safe to say, if you want this figure and your not attending CIV than you will get it.

Oh I know there will be a non-attendee version, my concern is how many for them, and that this looks very impressive and will be unique where many felt Vader was no big thing and many bought second Anakins and painted there own eyes, this isn't a simple repaint, I have a feeling NA PPO day will be competitive.
Just read the last few pages of this thread, and saw that Homer changed his avatar again. From what I've seen, the Luke sculpt looks VERY good.

Still, I think that the name-calling was uncalled for. Not everyone on this board is American, and not everyone will get every expression that's taken for granted in the US, such as "trade" meaning "people from this particular industry". Not even American fans will necessarily get it.

I still think that what Homer did with the PM'ing and his avatar and his comments was very valuable and handled with class, so it's just unfortunate that this little altercation happened.

The PPO for Yavin Luke is April 12, so I guess we'll see it for ourselves a week before that at the latest...

MaulFan said:
many felt Vader was no big thing and many bought second Anakins and painted there own eyes

Did people really do that? I thought the main sales point of the Sith Anakin figure was the lava droid base.