Yavin Luke 12"

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The headsculpt is...

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drbrad1975 said:
Done, dude! Long live the Sportster Blaster!!! Luke and Leia with the same weapon.



Thank you very much!

What a nice figure - no goofy facial expression or anything. The Hair is definitely 1977! I will have to get this one. After seeing this, Sideshow made a good choice. Main character without being soo iconic as to upset anyone that cant get this one!
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Would someone mind sending me the images, too? Pretty please? Thanks! :)

As you can see, Sideshow really nailed this one. Aside from the pants (seem to be Bespin Han's- Ceremonial Luke should not have the pleats) this figure looks to be a winner!


Closeup of Drearian Defender Sporting Blaster, just like the one Princess Leia used aboard Tantive IV.


Promotional piece showing Luke without Yellow Flight Jacket.
ok, so I'm impatient too. If someone gets a chance please pm me the pic. Thanks!:D

Unfortunately for me it looks like I'll be away on a business trip during the preorder for this one. Gonna have to find a scab to place an order for me.:monkey5
bwills said:
I'm glad everyone digs the sculpt. I have all the SS 12" figs and this one just doesn't do it for me. I just can't see Hammill at all. I wish I could see what you all are seeing. :monkey2

I'm with you. I think the original Luke sculpt is vastly superior.
Done with the PMs. Hopefully, Sideshow will remove the pleats from the pants to make it more film accurate (like the pictures Badgumbo posted). Good work Sideshow. Now make the Craig Bond. :monkey3


wofford29 said:
I'm with you. I think the original Luke sculpt is vastly superior.
The only thing that looks off to me about this new sculpt is the expression, too serious, but everyone screams to high heaven when they do an expressive sculpt so I can't fault SSC for giving him the poker face.