Yavin Luke image thread

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One thing I have come to notice is that is Luke is just a ***** to draw or sculpt. Looking aorund the art show there were a lot where Luke was just off. The PFs look godd but are lil off. I think its just Luke that hard to get right.
mfoga said:
One thing I have come to notice is that is Luke is just a ***** to draw or sculpt. Looking aorund the art show there were a lot where Luke was just off. The PFs look godd but are lil off. I think its just Luke that hard to get right.
Yeah, Hamill's features are dramatically different depending on the angle and expression. It's a challenge to reach a general-purpose interpretation that's still instantly recognizable.
I actually didn't think Jedi Luke was that great, but I seem to be in the minority.
The thing is that before the accident Mark Hamill did not have any features that lent themselves to "caricaturization" meaning nothing that one could exagerate and then go, "Oh yea, definatly Luke." but after the accident it isn't really that hard.
Outlander said:
Doubt it, but the proto is probably the best version we could have hoped for. Y'know, the more I look at the end product the more I think it's the eye color that's thrown it off.

The eyes really are what throws it off. All Sideshow iris' have the red/brown outline if you look closely, but for some reason, on this figure it's much thicker and pretty much eliminates every trace of blue, combined together from distance, his eyes look towards a dark brown, black tint, which is not Hammil. That, plue the pure white of the rest of his eye to highlight it creates off looking eyes which can detract from the sculpt. As far as the skin tones and hair, I think they're equal to Jedi Luke's paint texture, application and quality, which I am happy with, and pictures make his jacket seem like it's of cheap, thin, plastic material, but it's actually nice, thick, rigid cloth and not cheap feeling like you may expect from photos. It's not a homerun like Maul and others, but it's also not a terrible figure either.
I didn't get the Luke,nor have seen one, but I might buy one down the line.

After reading through this thread I have to agree that the eyes are the culprit here. I'm at work and have little time but I photoshopped a REAL quick image of Luke. It took about three minutes but here's what I did. I took the eyes from the proto Luke and placed them on one of the images from the thread. I then slimmed his face down by a bit. In the process I ruined his nose but I don't have time to fix but you get the idea. I think that there is something there. I would love to see a unpainted sculpt. Keep in mind that this is a real quick rendition.

Got my Luke yesterday. The dumb fedex guy left it outside my office near the elevator bank. I'm waiting and waiting, and decide to go home. Get to the elevators and there it is. The receptionist was right around the corner! He couldn't just hand it to her? Nice figure though.
MaulFan said:
The eyes really are what throws it off. All Sideshow iris' have the red/brown outline if you look closely, but for some reason, on this figure it's much thicker and pretty much eliminates every trace of blue, combined together from distance, his eyes look towards a dark brown, black tint, which is not Hammil. That, plue the pure white of the rest of his eye to highlight it creates off looking eyes which can detract from the sculpt. As far as the skin tones and hair, I think they're equal to Jedi Luke's paint texture, application and quality, which I am happy with, and pictures make his jacket seem like it's of cheap, thin, plastic material, but it's actually nice, thick, rigid cloth and not cheap feeling like you may expect from photos. It's not a homerun like Maul and others, but it's also not a terrible figure either.

Looks like they didn't put any gloss on. HAve they stopped doing this? Boromir didn't have any. Don't know about others.
The Drizzle said:
I'm just really beside myself watching how hard people are trying to take a picture with "the right lighting to make him look acceptable", and convince themselves he was a good purchase. The likeness is poor, and the most important part, the iconic yellow jacket, is cheap and shoddy. Not worth my $67. What has been said before is true: with so many other 12 inch companies really turning up the heat and creating amazing product, it's time for SS to step up to the plate and impress, too. No more resting on their laurels. I want to be wowed.
That's all.

Maybe for you. I think others like me feel differently. So if you don't like it that's fine but that doesn't make what you say here true at all. As a matter of fact as far as I'm concered it's totally wrong in how "I" feel about the figure. Either way we're both entitled to feel either way about it. Just because you don't feel the same doesn't mean I have to and vice versa.
jlcmsu said:
Maybe for you. I think others like me feel differently. So if you don't like it that's fine but that doesn't make what you say here true at all. As a matter of fact as far as I'm concered it's totally wrong in how "I" feel about the figure. Either way we're both entitled to feel either way about it. Just because you don't feel the same doesn't mean I have to and vice versa.

That's right Josh. All that matters is how "YOU" feel about it because "You" are always right. :lol
Guess what's getting ready to happen to my Yavin Luke ala Les...That's right kiddies! :banana :joy
<a href=https://www.freeimagehosting.net/><img src=https://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/ba4446c596.jpg border=0 alt="Free Image Hosting"></a>
dekadentdave said:
That's right Josh. All that matters is how "YOU" feel about it because "You" are always right. :lol

No, he ISN'T right but just happens to have his own opinion, which is fine. You can see a movie and know that it's bad but like it anyway.

The more I look at the Luke figure though, the more forgiving I get, but also the more frustrated I get that they didn't get that much closer to making it RIGHT. Hair needs to be poofier. Yavin Luke looks as if he just came out of the trash compactor... it's so flat!

His eyes... what happened? What's with the brown outline?

Why is his head so big? This is a rare scene where you can see Luke in almost ever angle. From behind, from the front, from a high angle, from low angle, full body with and without the medal and not a single one does Sideshow match up with just right. There's no angle that says "THAT'S IT!" It's just kinda blah overall.

I still like because of what it represents and it IS the best 12" Luke from A New Hope thus far, but they've got a long way to go before they hit a homerun.
My personal opinion of this figure is it looks awful, to be honest I wasn't that keen when I saw the prototype but production is far worse.

I'm interested in the new Obi Wan Kenobi ANH but I think I'll wait until I see some in hand pics before I committ to the purchase.

I agree with what others have said about SSC, they really need to sort these paint apps out, the sculpts themselves are fine, but paint apps have spoilt various figures in this line and something needs to be done to address this problem.

They do need to step up to the plate and deliver the best human likenesses possible, particularly as they're not yet in a position to create any armoured characters.

I do think the popularity of this line is going downhill fast because of this and the general vibes I get from this and other boards are that people just aren't as excited about this line anymore and are expecting to be disappointed these days.
Like any figure line this one has had it's good moments and it's not so good moments. General interest in a SSC 1/6 SW line will always be there.
There are just too many fans out there that are excited to be getting a 12'' SW figure that puts Hasbro to shame. I for one look forward to every new announcement just to see which figure they're doing next.
I figure if I'm not that excited about one fig the next may blow me away.:chew
Cocoboloboy said:
Like any figure line this one has had it's good moments and it's not so good moments. General interest in a SSC 1/6 SW line will always be there.
There are just too many fans out there that are excited to be getting a 12'' SW figure that puts Hasbro to shame. I for one look forward to every new announcement just to see which figure they're doing next.
I figure if I'm not that excited about one fig the next may blow me away.:chew

Oh yeah I don't think interest in this line will ever dwindle badly enough for it to be cancelled, there are two many SW fans for that.

But I do think the general mood amongst board members, which this time last year was strongly favoured towards this line has started changing.
Oh yeah I don't think interest in this line will ever dwindle badly enough for it to be cancelled, there are two many SW fans for that.

But I do think the general mood amongst board members, which this time last year was strongly favoured towards this line has started changing.

Your probably right there. I haven't read too many high praises for the SW line as of late. Most have been an "it's ok" kinda comment. Maybe Plo will turn that around.
But I do think the general mood amongst board members, which this time last year was strongly favoured towards this line has started changing.

If by "general" you mean majority, I think you're wrong. Most of us are still buying. Even alot of the malcontents :)D) are still buying. Besides I think a filtering in the customer base is inevitable for any product as it rolls along.

That being said, the eyes on Luke suck. Yes the likeness could have been better. As for me, I still like it quite a bit.
I think Plo isnt enough alone to turn it around. I think they need to hit the next 3 to 4 releases outta the park to bring back that air of excitement.