Yavin Luke image thread

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Cocoboloboy said:
Mine has a VERY dark skintone and his hair looks to be streaked with highlights and glossy. The eyes don't have anywhere near the life in them as any of the other SW figs.

So does mine, it looks like his face is entirely one shade of color, whereas most of the figures have at least 2 or 3 tones. And it is a fairly dark shade, almost olive skinned.
Got Luke. He looks nice, but not fantastic. Outfit and all that are good, weapons good. Its the paint that kills it, and in that I think its mostly the lip area. I dunno it just seems to me like there should be more of an area for the lips. Ah well at least they arent dark like Anakins or super glossy like Hans. All in all I'd say its about a 7 out of 10. If the paint apps were a tad better maybe a 7.5 or 8, hes solid, just not quite there.
The paint apps look fine to me as far as the skin tone go. Also it looks like look did during Ep1 2 me.
galactiboy said:
So does mine, it looks like his face is entirely one shade of color, whereas most of the figures have at least 2 or 3 tones. And it is a fairly dark shade, almost olive skinned.

Exactly. It's very strange. I think the yellow jacket makes it even more so.
You might be right about the jacket, at the very least it probably doesn't help. I put him next to the ROTJ Luke for a comparison and you can see he's darker... but what I think hurts it more is the lack of any lighter or darker tones across his face.

A definite difference in the shading of Jedi Luke and Yavin. I think the only figure that comes close to Yavin's dark skin tone is my Anakin but I don't think he looks bad.
Yeah, there seem to be a few monotone Star Wars faces: Yavin Luke, ESB Han and Anakin. But I think the dark tone and eyes make this stick out more. Choosing an expression that fits with being awarded a medal is going to be a contributing factor... I hope when we see Farmboy Luke they use a new and more expressive sculpt.

In all honesty, when he's on the shelf he actually looks really nice and the paint apps aren't as noticeable... and remember it could always be worse:

Thanks for the nice pics galactiboy. Especially from the base with the new logo. I was really curious about that. I'm still waiting for my Luke, so I have to rely on all the things you guys say about this new Luke... for now!

I think the Yavin Luke will never be my favorite 12" figure, but what makes him special is of the fact that he's a CIV exclusive. But I wonder why SSC didn't make this 30th anniversary Luke as good as it could have been. I mean, just compare him to the ROTJ Luke, their first SW 12"...
The CIV pix of old Ben will ease the pain we suffer from this Yavin Luke I'm sure!
galactiboy said:
... and remember it could always be worse:

Yeah, but that's not a good enough excuse (at least for me) to purchase an item. That just means there are multiple products I should avoid. Even if the SS is the best one so far, if it doesn't really "pop" for me, I don't need it. I'd rather have none than compromise.


I'm sorry, SS could have done a LOT better. This figure is not even close. The jacket isn't even the right color or texture. I want better. I would pay twice SS price for one that really looks like the movie.
I hear you Drizzle. Fortunately you can always send the SSC items back, if you're not satisfied. To bad though that this is a missed chance for SSC to make a real nice Yavin Luke. We won't see an other one soon I think.
To semi-quote CF: Am I the only one who doesn't see all that much difference between the proto-pic and the prod. pic?

The eyes are the only difference that I can tell... Maybe I need to wait till I have him in hand on Tuesday to really tell.
Sorry for me personally the sculpts not off. It's actually pretty spot on from that little compairison. As far as the jacket from the pics it is a different yellow but we don't know if they could get the right material in the exact yellow. Heck, we don't even know if they could get that yellow period.
Alice Adrenochrome said:
I hear you Drizzle. Fortunately you can always send the SSC items back, if you're not satisfied. To bad though that this is a missed chance for SSC to make a real nice Yavin Luke. We won't see an other one soon I think.

That's what makes me sad. Such a missed opportunity. This is by far my favorite "look" Luke had throughout the trilogy. It's a very "adventury" looking outfit, you could easily see him as a partner to Han flying the Falcon in that. When I was a kid, before Empire was released, I always figured this was Luke's "official" outfit for going out on missions.
I *have* decided to send him back. :monkey2 On closer inspection, I noticed he has a bad slash on the left side of his neck where someone who trimmed the sprue/whateveryacallit from molding went a little overzealous and slashed him.

The pants, boots, gun, and the black shirt beneath are nice. The head and coat needed more attention. His skin tone is zombielike, too. I don't know any one whose skin has that weird gray shade mixed in. Luke sure didn't- look at my caps- he has a fairly rosy complexion. Oh well, so much for giving myself a 40th birthday present...
jlcmsu said:
Sorry for me personally the sculpts not off. It's actually pretty spot on from that little compairison. As far as the jacket from the pics it is a different yellow but we don't know if they could get the right material in the exact yellow. Heck, we don't even know if they could get that yellow period.

You want a material made in a specific color, you can get it.

$$$ gets anything you want.
jlcmsu said:
Sorry for me personally the sculpts not off. It's actually pretty spot on from that little compairison. As far as the jacket from the pics it is a different yellow but we don't know if they could get the right material in the exact yellow. Heck, we don't even know if they could get that yellow period.

:lol :lol :lol

The blind eyes of a SS junkie.

Josh must be getting paid under the table from SS:lol

Oh, and nice comparison pix GB. Why is he so much shorter than ROTJ Luke?


jlcmsu said:
Sorry for me personally the sculpts not off. It's actually pretty spot on from that little compairison. As far as the jacket from the pics it is a different yellow but we don't know if they could get the right material in the exact yellow. Heck, we don't even know if they could get that yellow period.

I know some things about production, and I used to customize action figures, as well, I assure you they could have gotten the correct color yellow. Fabric can be bought in bulk, dyed to the color you need. This was probably a matter of bad reference pictures, or the manufacturing plant that SS contracted not trying hard enough to match the color.
I've known various people that have worked for toy companies, and I have heard horror stories of finished product not matching approved protos, the factory cutting corners, etc. It's apparently fairly commonplace for these overseas factories to get things wrong, and they don't get corrected unless you ride them to death about it. I've often wondered if this isn't the cause of many of SS's 12 inch inaccuracies/problems.
The Drizzle said:
On closer inspection, I noticed he has a bad slash on the left side of his neck where someone who trimmed the sprue/whateveryacallit from molding went a little overzealous and slashed him.

Is it a little square patch? I've got that on my neck as well... I figured it was a molding issue.

And about my comment that it can always be worse, I don't mean to downplay that the figure could be better. However, if you collect 1/6 you typically have to assume that you aren't going to get an exact replication. I think that he is close enough and I'm happy with the figure.

But, this isn't a key outfit for me so I can understand how it might irk you more.