Super Freak

I still have one hooked up in my basement. Looks like this:
May I ask how old you are?
Bell bottoms. Giant glasses. Leaded gas. Rotary phones.
And people smoked EVERYWHERE. Movie theaters, planes, restaurants, grocery stores ... I remember my doctor lighting up in his office!
when you know who captain kangaroo is.i used to love that show as a kid.
anyone have one of these?.. still do,,
You know your old when you were alive before basic cable or internet and had to run home to answer or use the phone or use a t.v with out a remote control or was able to steal ,smoke ,drink before video camera's and gas was 1.00 a gallon and smoke's were 2 bucks and we had glass mountain dew bottles that were full size..and 20 bucks was enough for a night out.....