You Know You Are Old When.....

Collector Freaks Forum

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May I ask how old you are?

I'm old enough to remember the 1960's...and I'm not talking about watching 60's reruns...LOL...I remember when regular gas was the way to go...and it was around 25 cents for a gallon...A slice of pizza 40 cents with 2 slices and a coke for a buck...a hot dog was a quarter too...A white castle cheeseburger was 12 or 15 cents something like that
The students I teach were not born the year I started teaching at my current school. I teach grade 6/7.
I have a student in grade 1 who's mother was in my first grade 4 class, she was 8.
My atari computer had 48k, less than the calculators in my room.
I never realized just how old I was until I saw the shock on my girlfriend's face when I mentioned that I saw Princess Bride opening weekend.
when you know who captain kangaroo is. :lol i used to love that show as a kid.
You know your old when you were alive before basic cable or internet and had to run home to answer or use the phone or use a t.v with out a remote control or was able to steal ,smoke ,drink before video camera's and gas was 1.00 a gallon and smoke's were 2 bucks and we had glass mountain dew bottles that were full size..and 20 bucks was enough for a night out.....
You know your old when you were alive before basic cable or internet and had to run home to answer or use the phone or use a t.v with out a remote control or was able to steal ,smoke ,drink before video camera's and gas was 1.00 a gallon and smoke's were 2 bucks and we had glass mountain dew bottles that were full size..and 20 bucks was enough for a night out.....

Cool, so I'm still not old yet :blissy
Feel like I missed out on having a good night out for 20 bucks. It was £80 for me before our son was born & you could easily blow a lot more but that's London for you.
yep 20 bucks night out at movies quick dinner and still enough for a couple gallons of gas to refill to do it again....Now i feel like one of those old bastards telling me something use to cost a nickel....:lol sure it did gramps....
When you didn't have to wear seat belts or as a kid sit in a car seat.

And for when I was real young - we would go to the drive in theater to see movies.
I can remember going on a trip to visit my grandparents in New York when I was 2 or 3, and my parents set up sleeping bags in the wayback of the station wagon for me and my little brother. Actually, it was probably the back seat because those seats were huge and we were tiny. They woke us up around 4:00am to hit the road because it was a 7 hour drive and my dad wanted to get there early.
When you can remember your mom calling out to you while you were hiding in those massive round clothing racks at Woolworth and Simpsons etc.