1/6 Your most wanted non-live-action character?

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Your most wanted non-live-action character?

  • Ahsoka Tano

    Votes: 30 28.0%
  • Asajj Ventress

    Votes: 30 28.0%
  • BT-1 & 0-0-0

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • Cad Bane

    Votes: 9 8.4%
  • Doctor Aphra

    Votes: 4 3.7%
  • Ezra Bridger & Chopper (two-pack)

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • Grand Admiral Thrawn

    Votes: 21 19.6%
  • Hera Syndulla

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • Kanan Jarrus

    Votes: 6 5.6%
  • Valance the Hunter

    Votes: 1 0.9%

  • Total voters
Kyle Katarn and Revan
Oh yeah.
Cassian Andor & Jyn Erso ...I mean Kyle Katarn & Jan Ors;


I guess Thrawn (using his upcoming Favroni-verse likeness) Mara Jade, and Dark Empire Luke & Leia (although using their older likeness)
While Legends EU canon wasn't great, Heir to the Empire and Dark Empire were decent, and with distance have somewhat re-asserted themselves back as a vague SWU head-canon for me.
Their presence on the shelf, like a mind-trick might help obfuscate the Disney Sequels.


Plus Mara Jade
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Darth Revan
Darth Malak
Bastilla Shan
Jaina Solo
Jacen Solo
Mara Jade
Asajj Ventress
Aayla Secura

If HT or InArt makes them I'll die a happy man 😁
Im not allowed to post a poll. Somebody make a new one with the following updated options. Clones are left off because we need a separate poll just for them. We need to be able to pick multiples:

Mara Jade
Asajj Ventress
Doctor Aphra
Admiral Thrawn with ysalamiri
Ezra Bridger/Chopper two pack
Hera Syndulla
Kanan Jarrus
Beilert Valance
BT1 + 0-0-0 ok admit it, these two would be hilarious to have on the shelf
Darth Malgus
Darth Revan
Darth Bane
Darth Zannah, because why not?!
Jocasta Nu
Pre Viszla
Fenn Rau
Kal Skirata
Kir Kanos (a personal most-wanted!!!!!)
Ursa Wren
Rook Kast
Didn't we do this one already?
Most those listed have or will now appear in the Favroni-verse.
Yet the ones none ever asked for...


For better or worse, what the combined "genius" minds at Star Wars/Lucas (hey he had to approve it) and the House of Ideas/Marvel (now ironically both owned by Disney) first wrought:
And one of, if not the first official Expanded Universe tales. [after Splinter]

The Star Hoppers! :lol

Though that faux-cast is dated, I'd update the figure likeness some.
And of course add..


And use his actual likeness. :wink1:
Now that their symbolic Battle Beyond the Magnificent Starmurai "Jungian Alchemical Archetypes" forms, have manifist in live action, I have to rethink this choice :lol

From the Wakypedia:
Sofia Boutella as Kora/Arthelais, Amaiza Foxtrain - a former soldier who rallies warriors from across the galaxy.
Djimon Hounsou as Titus, Don-Wan Kihotay a knight of a bygone era recruited back into the fight.
Michiel Huisman as Gunnar, Jimm Doshun (The Starkiller Kid) a farmer who joins them in their attempts to defend his homeworld
Charlie Hunnam as Kai, Jaxxon a wascally smuggler and starship pilot, hired for the mission.
Anthony Hopkins as the voice of FE Effie, member of a race of mechanicals.
Staz Nair as Tarak, Hedgi the Quill a noble being-turned-feral warrior with piercing weapons and natural affinity to the animal realm.

Tawau-class freighter - The Rabbit's Foot N-class freighter
@Alatar:wink1: :p
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Mara Jade, and Dark Empire Luke & Leia (although using their older likeness)
While Legends EU canon wasn't great, Heir to the Empire and Dark Empire were decent, and with distance have somewhat re-asserted themselves back as a vague SWU head-canon for me.
Their presence on the shelf, like a mind-trick might help obfuscate the Disney Sequels.


Actually surprised HT finally did a 1:6 Dark Empire Luke, so if it sold well, and the door is now open to do more EU/Legends characters, and now that Thrawn existts as a Live Action depicted by Lars Mikkelsen
Maybe Mara Jade in 1:6 could actually be a possibility now.


Not sure who I would want to see as a "Live Action" template for Mara Jade? Though I would not draw from a modern actress or some of the fantasy art out there, but someone from Mark Hamill and Carie Fisher's age group, more realistic in fact someone from the Lucas and De Palma shared casting call, as they looked back then:

Further, from the Thrawn trilogy 1:6 Talon Karrde, I'de use the likeness of Ian McShane

... if continuing down the Dark Empire rabbit hole, the pair nobody asked for ....



Salla Zend & Shug Ninx using the likeness' of Maeve Millay(Thandiwe Newton) and Hector Escaton(Rodrigo Santoro)


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Actually surprised they did Dark Empire Luke, so if it sold well, Mara Jade could actually be a possibility now.

That done,, the pair nobody asked for ....



Salla Zend & Shug Ninx using the likeness' of Maeve Millay(Thandiwe Newton) and Hector Escaton(Rodrigo Santoro)
Hell not so long ago I would have loved some season one Westworld goodness!
Some characters should be taken off the list, as they have appeared in live action since the list was made.
Hell not so long ago I would have loved some season one Westworld goodness!
There was a thread for more figures, though late to the game, I guess it didn't get much traction, or back to the ears of Supermad Toys, or Long San heavy industries ??? - https://www.collectorfreaks.com/threads/1-6-west-ern-world.242874/

Some characters should be taken off the list, as they have appeared in live action since the list was made.
It's actually impressive how many off that OG list have come to fruition, or will be soon.
And now with the original Expanded U. just opened up with Dark Empire Luke, even more so.
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Some characters should be taken off the list, as they have appeared in live action since the list was made.
Unconfirmed live action:
Marvel Comics Stenax Shuffle Crew, aka the Rik Duel Gang : Rik, Dani & Chidho
As 1:6 Carbonite Bounties to hang behind Mando display:





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