That's bull ____. You learn a lot. You learn a lot about yourself and you learn a lot about the person you thought you loved.
My ex wife and I were together for 7 years before we got married. I wanted to make sure we wouldn't be victims of divorce like our parents.

We got married. 2 years later she tells me she is leaving me. I begged and pleaded for a reason. She gave me nothing. I offered to talk about therapy and kids and all that. After all we together for almost 10 years.
Finally when she said no I told her to leave. I said pack your ____ and leave. So she move in with her aunt. She paid half of the rent for the place we were living. We had no kids and nothing we really owned together. I refused to pay for a divorce and told her if she wanted one she could pay for it. She told me I would never make it without her.
So I moved out on my own. Dated a ton and fell in with the partying scene. Not drugs or anything but doing things I should have done in my early 20's. Having fun and staying single. Yep I could never make it without her. I thought about that a lot.
A few months later a fellow ex board member here sent me an email telling me about his correspondance with my ex and that they were now a couple. It devasted me and I was deeply embarrassed and pissed. This was someone I accepted into my home. Hell even called the guy crying one night when she left. I was pissed. Livid and feeling like I honestly wanted to kill someone. But I took a deep breath and remembered the "You will never make it without me".
So slowly I started building myself up. I got promoted at work and bought a car. I eventually bought a house on my own. All the while I was dating and having fun. I still felt a bit empty but I felt like I was moving forward. I was learning something about myself. I was learning how not to treat people as well.
Well I met my wife. We had a beautiful daughter and have a son on the way. We just purchased a beautiful home and things couldn't be better.
I guess Cassandra was right. I could never make it without her. What she meant to say is I'm holding you back and I'm not good enough for you. I would agree.
I know this is a personal story but frankly if it helps you great. Im no longer embarrassed because really it wasn't my fault. Im a better person and have an awesome family.