Add clown midgets to my list too:
that is some evil s__ right there
Add clown midgets to my list too:
I'm not sure I would go as far as to say it's a phobia, but spiders freak me out.
I love them, used to have a tarantula, but they scare the hell out of me.
Mostly the very spindly ones with long legs. Like Black Widows, or common house spiders, or this monster...
I'd like to think Nam's phobias would include something odd, like a clown or a crowd of midgets.
Where to start
Haunted houses (Had some trauma as a child)
Getting stabbed to death in my sleep(I mean come on! I was just having a nice ass dream and you just had to stab me!!??)
Spiders(Specifically anything bigger then my hand or just weird looking) Like this guy:
Getting a worm or a botfly inside me( ____ just creeps me the hell out!)
Oh and the ocean! I love sharks but so terrified of them, Im never gonna go in the water!
That spider is what nightmares are made of and what the heck is a bot fly?!?!
Yes, add SHARKS and other underwater creatures with huge teeth to mmy list! Ever since I saw Jaws I won't swim in anything but a pool!!
Thanks Steven Spielberg, and Peter Benchley!!![]()
Like this guy:
House centipede. They're icky and they can bite, but they eat silver fish and other nasty bugs then spiders eat them.
The circle of life.![]()