That actually looks surprisingly similar to it. It was MUCH taller and didn't walk on all fours though.
I'm not reading about that right now because it's 5:30 in the morning, I haven't slept at's still dark out...
I'll tell the story real quick.
I was eight years old, had just met my father for the first time a month or so before. Me, him and my mother were going camping at this place called Greenleaf. Early one morning, we all went out for a short hike...
We're following this path that curves around this sort of steep hill on the left, and on the right side there was the lake. It was a very beautiful, peaceful morning. Sunlight shining through the trees.
And then, I can't explain it. For some reason..I just took off running. Running down the path. According to my mother and father they were yelling at me to wait up when I took off, but I don't remember hearing them at all.
Anyway, I'm running down the trail..then I trip over this big, thick root sticking out of the ground. I fell on my butt..not enough to hurt me, my head didn't even touch the ground so it wasn't a halucination (like my family says

Next there was no sound. I couldn't hear anything, but I wasn't worried about that for some reason... Out of the corner of my left eye I see it running. It was bipedal, more like jogging. PURE white. No pigment at was all white. I would guess twenty feet tall. That seems about right. Incredibly skinny, was running from my left side, down the hill. Approximately 20-30 feet in front of me. It was so slow, too. Everything slow motion. As it crossed the path, it's head slowly turns..face staring straight at me as it's still jogging. I'm still sitting when it happened. It didn't trip, stumble, or anything. It was moving in one solid...unstoppable motion.
That's one of the things that made it so scary. It looked so perfect, so it had no personality or free will, just running straight..same pattern, same motion, right foot left foot, etc...but the fact that it somehow decided to disrupt it's pattern by turning it's head to stare at me while still running in that flawless frightening.
Anyway, it's head slowly turned forward again and it kept running..into the lake. It didn't fall, there was no splash. It's motion/pattern was still exactly the same as it's body fell through the water. Then you could see it running under water for a few seconds until it was out of sight.
Sound came back, slo-mo faded. I got up and ran as fast as I could to my mother and father.
I've noticed that over the years..I've somehow forgotten what it's face looked like. Maybe because I've thought about it so much.