ZaCHw117's Collection and B/S thread HUGE UPDATE 4/16

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Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Multiplayer is generally the same though. The perks are not nearly as game changing as they are in COD. It's as simple as having a larger radar or longer sprint, and these options are available to everyone. Armour doesn't give you any advantage either.

The loadouts from Reach made the game loads more enjoyable, and were introduced to spice up the action, and make people think and strategise more. The only thing I am not liking is they now give rewards to players who get killing sprees; dropping weapons from orbit to the players location. Apart from that they have kept the feel of the previous Halo's in the multiplayer.

Besides, the real reason most people will buy Halo 4 is for the campaign. The Halo games have always had a great campaign, and it's of the utmost importance you finish playing before heading to the multiplayer.

I'd disagree. H2 and H3 were some of the most strategic multiplayer games I've played. Halo Reach, not so much. And this looks to be the same way.

Strategy is picking up a BR or watching spawn clocks on weapons, not just spawning with them.

I'd also say that by now, most people skip the single player and go straight to MP on most games. The first 2 H games had great campaigns, the latter, not so much. It's almost the same campaign design. You're not too sure when your suppose to be excited or thrilled or scared. HR had this problem, nothing memorable at all in the CP.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

At the end of the day, Halo multiplayer is designed to be one thing and one thing only; fun. Overpowered weapons and vehicles combined with sandbox styled maps is the halo MP formula. If anything, it's become less of this and more strategy with complex maps and precision weaponry. Nevertheless, whether you add loadouts or not, it stall plays like traditional Halo, and the weapons are generally the same.

The main reason I dislike the multiplayer of Battlefield and Call of Duty is how competitive it can be, and for new players the difficulty curve is huge, which is why perks are wildly abused in Call of Duty, and doesn't give new players the incentive to improve their skills. Halo multiplayer is extremely accessible, and the new 'perks' give new players help, instead of a huge advantage.

I disagree. Games like Battlefield and Call of Duty are all about the multi player. The campaigns are usually rushed and clichéd, only there to show off the new engine with huge explosions and set pieces. The Halo series is different. It's main focus is the story, and the marketing campaign is revolved around just that. Whether you think it's memorable enough usually depends on the player, and if they have played through the series or not.

For example, the ending of Reach gave myself and many other's goosebumps. Actually, I should say BOTH endings gave myself goosebumps. All of the games so far have been important additions to the main storyline, and just seeing a glimpse of the planet Requiem in Halo 4 means SO much to veteran Halo fans.

It's such a shame that this generation is so focused on multiplayer, and that games like Halo that focus largely on a strong campaign are few and numbered.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

I'd disagree on Halo multiplayer being considered "fun". That's more of Battlefield's style than H's. Everyone is very competitive online with Halo. Remember tea-bagging? :lol Halo started the whole "join out clan" thing back with H2. Remember playing MLG game modes/maps. And how much **** talking there were afterwords?

Halo is the face of competitive gaming on Xbox.

I'd agree that H's campaigns are better than Battlefield 3's. (and CoD, besides CoD4 and BO). But I don't think their main focus for the marketing campaign is the story, rather a spartan. Master Chief, or various characters that look like him. He is just as recognizable as Nathan Drake or even Mario. If they put a commercial with MC in it, everyone automatically knows what game it is, letting them know there's a new one coming. Sure, there's nods to loyal fans, but most of the commercials focus on showing you MC, rather than the story.

I don't even remember the ending of Reach, and played through it twice. :dunno I'd say H1, H2, H3 were all welcomed editions, and great games. But, ODST, HR and Halo Wars have all been rather lackluster to put it nicely. I'm hoping H4 can change that, but give the last couple games I doubt it..

I agree that Singlepalyer games are fading out. Single Player>Multiplayer. Games like AC, Batman AA or AC, Uncharted etc. Are becoming rarer and rarer these days.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!


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Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

I'd disagree on Halo multiplayer being considered "fun". That's more of Battlefield's style than H's. Everyone is very competitive online with Halo. Remember tea-bagging? :lol Halo started the whole "join out clan" thing back with H2. Remember playing MLG game modes/maps. And how much **** talking there were afterwords?

Halo is the face of competitive gaming on Xbox.

I'd agree that H's campaigns are better than Battlefield 3's. (and CoD, besides CoD4 and BO). But I don't think their main focus for the marketing campaign is the story, rather a spartan. Master Chief, or various characters that look like him. He is just as recognizable as Nathan Drake or even Mario. If they put a commercial with MC in it, everyone automatically knows what game it is, letting them know there's a new one coming. Sure, there's nods to loyal fans, but most of the commercials focus on showing you MC, rather than the story.

I don't even remember the ending of Reach, and played through it twice. :dunno I'd say H1, H2, H3 were all welcomed editions, and great games. But, ODST, HR and Halo Wars have all been rather lackluster to put it nicely. I'm hoping H4 can change that, but give the last couple games I doubt it..

I agree that Singlepalyer games are fading out. Single Player>Multiplayer. Games like AC, Batman AA or AC, Uncharted etc. Are becoming rarer and rarer these days.

The competitiveness depends on the game mode you're playing. Halo offers a huge variety of multiplayer modes, ranging from team based objectives, where the most fun is had, to MGL style lone wolf/slayer games. If you want a challenge, you have the option to verse 12 other players alone, or if you want to improve your team skills, and generally have a good time, you can join a team based objective game.

Funny they would highlight Chief, considering he is the sole protagonist of the series. A series that revolves around him and his adventures. It's true that he is symbolic, but the developer knows it takes more than a glimpse of the Chief for people to buy their games. So they include a worthy portion of the story in all of their trailers, ads and posters. Unlike many other FPS games, the Halo series has a GOOD and INTERESTING story. The narrative is weaved perfectly, ensuring lot's of plot twists and spoiler lie deeper into the campaign, and moments that can even produce tears from the players eye. Unfortunately you have to had played through H1, H2 and H3 to be able to appreciate and be emotionally driven by games like ODST, Reach, and H4.

Oh, and a quick add about AC3. The graphics unfortunately look just as bad as in the last game, and I don't have much hope that the gameplay has changed a great deal. Maybe that was just a bad trailer:dunno
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

We are currently getting destroyed by wind and rain right now- sidewalks and streets are starting to flood and the wind is so freaking loud.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

The competitiveness depends on the game mode you're playing. Halo offers a huge variety of multiplayer modes, ranging from team based objectives, where the most fun is had, to MGL style lone wolf/slayer games. If you want a challenge, you have the option to verse 12 other players alone, or if you want to improve your team skills, and generally have a good time, you can join a team based objective game.

Funny they would highlight Chief, considering he is the sole protagonist of the series. A series that revolves around him and his adventures. It's true that he is symbolic, but the developer knows it takes more than a glimpse of the Chief for people to buy their games. So they include a worthy portion of the story in all of their trailers, ads and posters. Unlike many other FPS games, the Halo series has a GOOD and INTERESTING story. The narrative is weaved perfectly, ensuring lot's of plot twists and spoiler lie deeper into the campaign, and moments that can even produce tears from the players eye. Unfortunately you have to had played through H1, H2 and H3 to be able to appreciate and be emotionally driven by games like ODST, Reach, and H4.

Oh, and a quick add about AC3. The graphics unfortunately look just as bad as in the last game, and I don't have much hope that the gameplay has changed a great deal. Maybe that was just a bad trailer:dunno

The reason I bought Xbox was for H1. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Halo is a bad series, it's just lost that touch. The first trilogy had great moments, but that's because of the story like you said. But the campaigns all felt dull, not story wise, gameplay wise. There's no standout mission that you ever really wanted to replay.

H1 and H2 are masterpieces, H3 is up there but HR and ODST are just bleh. Nothing memorable about them IMO. With 343 taking the helm I'm hoping they change things a bit with the campaign, but by the looks of it it's gonna have that same dull undertone as the entire series does. It mostly has to do with the characters, thinking about it now. MC is the only character we try to love. But with knowing very little about him, and with him being a faceless character and not really showing much emotion it's hard to feel compassionate about him.

A Halo prequel that let's you see how chief becomes chief would be a winner in my book.

In the end, I'll probably end up buying it honestly. I've bought every Halo since H1 on release, but it just the feeling like this one can wait, that it's ran it's course.

Have you seen the Forward Unto Dawn Series? It's pretty cool.

Oh, and about ACIII, they have a whole new engine built from the ground up, the graphics in the walkthroughs look really nice. The world is suppose to be HUGE.

They've also changed the GP a lot, but have managed to keep that AC feel. All new combat system, with a ton of welcomed additions to the free running aspect.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

I wholeheartedly disagree. It has become more commercialized, but at the core the campaign is still the same. I find there are tons of memorable missions, but I don't think any FPS game has a 're playable' mission, because at the center of every mission is shooting a bunch of things. However there is so much more incentive to progress in Halo, and you learn more about the story. This is the same for every Halo game ala Halo Wars. It's all about the brilliant narrative and fun gameplay.

I don't understand what makes Halo Reach unmemorable. It's easy to connect with the characters, and the campaign is a blast! From the eerie beginning to the action packed ending, there are a lot of moments that make you both think, and feel.

Halo ODST was very different from the previous games, because it told a more personal story. The atmosphere was eerie and depressing, there was a sense of hopelessness as you played through the main campaign. Every flashback ended with death and then you were thrown back into pitch black hell.

Master Chief doesn't need to have some sob story. We don't need to feel pity and understand his motivations, because they are simple. He was a young boy abducted from his home and turned into a super soldier. He is still human at heart and we see him grow deep connections with Cortana and other characters. Playing as the Chief is like no other game experience. That's why I've been waiting for Halo 4 since 2007.

Watch the trailer 'Scanned' produced by David Fincher if you must know Chiefs background.

I'll wait to see more on AC3 before buying. The series has a good story but Connor doesn't look like a very likable character. The new environments look good however.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Halo is overrated. Says a PS3 owner. :monkey3
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

I got a beautiful new Hobbit poster on my work wall today :D

I'm so giddy for the Hobbit! :panic:
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!


9.8 from IGN and a 9.0 from Gamespot. This game is going to be legendary.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!


Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Why did he mention CoD so much? :dunno


He was referring to how COD has become the king of Xbox in the time since Master Chief has been in cryosleep. He then talked about how the multiplayer now has perks, similar to COD, but that they don't make the experience feel any less like a Halo game.

Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Omg omg omg omg omg omg what!!!!!

Nathan Drake PF!!! Dude that just made my day, I just got home from work! :panic:

Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

He was referring to how COD has become the king of Xbox in the time since Master Chief has been in cryosleep. He then talked about how the multiplayer now has perks, similar to COD, but that they don't make the experience feel any less like a Halo game.


Oh no, I'm not comparing the two by any means. I'm complaining about IGN in general.

Every review they do now they mention CoD. :slap:
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

In other news. My Eame's chips arrived today! :yess:

Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

I knew you would freak out!!!

Big time!!! I love everything about it!!! They nailed the likeness, and the pose is fantastic! I love Sideshow's new PF approach to poses- very dynamic and really makes the pieces stand out! :clap :yess: