I still see Snyder articles every other day. Once this Army of the Dead press has blown over, it might finally be time to put it to rest. WB won't be calling ever again!
Snyder was the only one associated with the DC/WB universe that had some semblance of a plan or knowing where he wanted to go.I still see Snyder articles every other day. Once this Army of the Dead press has blown over, it might finally be time to put it to rest. WB won't be calling ever again!
Snyder was the only one associated with the DC/WB universe that had some semblance of a plan or knowing where he wanted to go.
WB is hopeless.
You just admitted it right here, but whatever man keep going off on childish tangents. And yes that is the very definition of confirmation bias
And you just conveniently leave out the part where I said I wanted it to be good, which proves I didn’t go into it hating it.
Who the **** are you to tell me what I think anyways?
ZSJL2 will never happen because it didn’t bring in many new subscribers. Total failure. Sad!
No the failure is disney destroying a succesful ip including all the goodwill they have built (the mcu) for wokeness and racial pandering. Their is no wokeness in zacks movies especially his justice league. I think many people would prefer to see justice league 2 then woke captain america 4 or avengers 5- the powder puffs girl power team up movie or the marvels- another all girl power team up movie on the horizon
whatever man keep going off on childish tangents
I think Ducky hates ZSJL because it's coarse and rough and irritating, and gets everywhere.
Idk about that one. His movies are all about female empowerment and things like that. It?s just not as in your face as others.
I hate that term, "woke". Who came up with that? It just sounds like someone with an intellectual deficit would use.
I hate that term, "woke". Who came up with that? It just sounds like someone with an intellectual deficit would use. Not meaning you guys, meaning whoever came up with it and decided it was a good term to describe inclusiveness and diversity.
Which brings me to another point: Zack Snyder has probably been the most inclusive and diverse director when it comes to CBMs, and none of his choices feel like pandering to some "agenda". Say what you will, but the man makes his decisions following his own heart, and you have to respect that type of integrity.
I hate that term, "woke". Who came up with that?