Another credit to the ST is basically redoing Anakin's story *properly* with Adam Driver as Ben Solo/Kylo Ren. It would have been nice if George had given us that with say an early 2000's Joaquin Phoenix but oh well.
OK first off, my apologies, because this wasn't what you asked for...
To be blunt, I would have preferred if the PT never happened at all. Sure there were some excellent moments and a few memorable characters, but after the OT I wanted to see where they would take the story next, not see the past. And by next I mean immediately following RoTJ, not 30 or 40 years later. IMO there are three primary reasons for why making the PT was a mistake. First, there was really no suspense with respect to the main characters, because (as you've indicated) we already knew who was going to live on and who wasn't. Every time Obi-Wan or Anakin had a lightsaber battle against someone or was in a perilous situation, you knew they'd survive. Secondly, (what I feel was the biggest mistake of all) it demystified the Jedi Order. Showing them as part of the bureaucracy and being duped by Palpatine time and again with nary a clue was irksome to me, as was their less than brilliant military strategies. Seeing this made one wonder what all the fuss was about with respect to Luke becoming a Jedi. Finally, CH just didn't work as Anakin for me. They needed a better actor, or at least someone who made the character more likeable prior to his descent into darkness. Without that connection to the audience, it made his seduction decidedly less tragic than it should have been, not to mention retroactively cheapening Luke's efforts to return him to the light. "There's still good in him". Really? After the PT, I wasn't sure there was any there to begin with.![]()
I'm really glad that Disney has created most of their SW films in a "you decide if you want these to sync with the PT or not" approach. You really can just watch the unaltered OT and then go right into the ST without any need for the PT at all. I'm glad they didn't show Jedi ghosts helping Rey. I mean let's be honest after thousands of generations of Jedi it would have been silly if the *only* Jedi to appear were just five that we recognized from the PT. It's not like Qui Gon or Mace Windu would have meant anything more to Rey than thousands of other equally powerful Jedi. So they would have appeared literally as a wink to the audience and would have not made any sense story-wise. Just hearing a cacophony of voices was much better IMO.
But also by not showing PT Jedi it doesn't cause confusion for any viewers who didn't watch the PT, which is cool. If you've seen the PT then you recognize the voices and if you haven't no big. So it works both ways.
After Hayden said "You can bring balance to the Force as I once did" they should have had SLJ say "Well said young Skywalker but for the record you're still not a Master," lol.
After Hayden said "You can bring balance to the Force as I once did"
My response to point A (already knowing the outcome for these characters and therefore no suspense) would be that it could still have at least been engaging if it had been done well. My response to point B (demystifying the Jedi Order) would be that it could still have worked if George didn't make them look like complete idiots. My response to point C (the failure to make Anakin a compelling character with a plausible transition from good to evil) - well, again, it could still have worked if George's writing and directing abilities went beyond just the broad strokes.
And maybe it needed a better actor in the role but I'm not willing to place all the blame on Christensen on account of the other factors. After-all some known great actors in the PT delivered probably career-worst performances with George's direction and dialogue.
The real tragedy of the PT is not in the story it told where it belonged, the tragedy is that those movies could have been great (and enhanced the OT in the process) but instead they were abominable and only enhanced the OT by being so crap by comparison.![]()
And Buffinator, could be it was a story that didn't actually need to be told just like the ST (IMO) and merely the fact that Lucas put Episode IV, V and VI in front of the OT titles made everyone go ''ooohhh''. For 16 years it seemed like Episodes I-III needed to happen and people's imaginations went nuts. Then we got what we got.
Yeah I'd be more than content if they just stick to Disney+ from here on out. For movies I hope they stay far away from the Episode I-IX characters and timeline going forward.
A new rumor from Making Star Wars (which has been pretty reliable with Star Wars scoops in the past) says the next Star Wars saga will take place during an era being referred to as ?The High Republic Era.? Similar to previous rumors about the project Benioff and Weiss were working on, this new series will take place 400 years before The Skywalker Saga. But unlike the saga that just wrapped up, we won?t be looking at a new trilogy...
Along with this information, Making Star Wars also brought our attention to a scoop from, and their recently uncovered information lines up with these new details. Supposedly first step in the future of Star Wars is all tied to an upcoming, secret multimedia initiative called Project Luminous, which was announced by Lucasfilm publishing at New York Comic-Con earlier this year. The initiative involving Star Wars comic writers Claudia Gray, Justina Ireland, Daniel Jos? Older, Cavan Scott, and Charles Soule will span comics, books, video games, and more, and it appears to be the lead-up to this new series of Star Wars movies.
But what will this new Star Wars saga be about? Well, Project Luminous is rumored to follow a group of Jedi setting out to explore the then-unknown regions of the galaxy. The Jedi heroes would go on numerous adventures and encounter a few different kinds of enemies, including some sort of ancient, evil Sith gods. There would be various Jedi that we follow, each with different strengths and Force powers, similar to what we?ve seen from The Avengers in the MCU. But there will also be heroes who aren?t Jedi.
So now does it feel like Episodes 10-12 NEED to be told?
The story about Palpatine's great-grand children, including Rey's immaculate conception with Kylo's son (force pregnancy), and the illegitimate daughter of Solo with another 'woman'.
Anakin brought balance to the force by killing Jedi so that only 2 remained on either side (light and dark), however once he threw the emperor down that shaft and killed himself and luke trained Leia it was thrown out of wack again. That was his purpose as the chosen one to wipe out all the Jedi thereby bringing darkness in balance with the light. Watch the Clone wars Mortis Arc to get a better understanding of this. In this arc, Anakin was shown his future as darth vader by the brother (darkside), at which point he was about to change his actions which would have resulted in him altering the course of his future (in order to avoid the future he saw at any cost). The father, realizing what the brother had shown him, removed this from his memory because he knew that Anakin had to turn into darth vader in order to bring balance to the force.
Luke really tipped the balance even more when he started the Academy which allowed for Ben's fall to Kylo Ren. Ren then either turned or killed all remaining Jedi and Luke shut himself off from the force which just left only Leia to balance out the darkness of both Snoke (emperor) and Ren- which in turn led to the force awakening in Rey- The light Rises to meet the dark.
Nothing Rey did afterwards impacted what he did in the past. So him saying Rey bring balance to the force as I once did, is still technically correct.
Now Rey killing the Emperor put it out of wack again, unless the presumption is Rey is herself, the perfect balance of Light and Dark (since she possess both light and dark powers eg force lightning and tendencies) She does not reject emotions like the old jedi did, she embraces them which could be the key to the balance.
This is preposterous and impossible to implement... yet the simplest of explanations to justify anything.
First, does the Force work on a perfectly balanced scale? Everything in the universe must have equal weight? So wasn't it out of balance when Ben and Yoda died but Vader and Emperor were alive? And what about the Death Star instantly reducing Alderaan to ash -- somewhere in the galaxy, did an entire planet spring to life to balance the universe?
How does one balance the Force without embracing equal evil into the world?
And does the Force work on a human time scale as well? I always envisioned that you could have centuries of evil rule because the Force would only have to balance that with centuries of good at some point. But living during the "evil period" a mere human would perceive only evil in his world. How come the Force works so quickly to balance itself with the Skywalkers -- a simple little family that has no true baring on the overall balance of the universal Force.