Super Freak
Anyone else prefer this face sculpt over the Deluxe MMS517?
I definitely prefer the forward facing eyes and in general more than the gritted teeth sculpt.
Anyone else prefer this face sculpt over the Deluxe MMS517?
Anyone else prefer this face sculpt over the Deluxe MMS517?
Anyone else prefer this face sculpt over the Deluxe MMS517?
I believe he’s referring to the gritted teeth sculpt that comes with the deluxe set, not the sculpt that comes with this figure that they repainted to have with the eyes looking to the side for the deluxe set.
I quite like the sideways glance face with the windswept hair but the toothy facesculpt I really can't use. It's not quite cartoonish, but it just isn't a very convincing depiction of Luke with a fighting/determined look to me (other than in harsh toplighting, where it hides parts of the mouth.) I've always said the key problem with the toothy head is the top half of the head is the more serene regular/original Luke face - it really needed a full facesculpt tweak/resculpt to work.
To be fair, Hamil?s mouth is open a lot during that movie. Maybe that?s what they were going for?
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Annnnnd suddenly interest in this figure probably just spiked again. That?s if HT doesn?t get excited and makes a new version.![]()
Yeah buthe was mostly wearing TLJ getup.
Was it?
It looked like RotJ to me, just with a black cloak. Which to me would make sense, as it?s closer to RotJ than the ST. You could see the Jedi tunic with the sash and the belt over the sash. It wasn?t the Crait outfit.
Possibly. It looked to me on my viewings to be a dark wool set of Jedi robes with the ROTJ glove and boots. But I could very much be mistaken. I’m sure more studious observers than I will chime in
Now I want this figure. Lol anyone selling it. Hahaha
If anyone missed the three releases of RotJ Luke, I don't feel sorry for you lol
Wait, there was three?
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Sideshow did one too.